Jyn Erso is eager to meet the Empire in combat, and she is not alone on her mission. Bring along a rag-tag group of Pathfinders to bring down the Empire!
Jyn Erso is leading her own personal rebellion against the Empire in Legion. She’s a versatile commander with a knack for getting into the thick of the fighting.
Plus Jyn can pop up anywhere with her Infiltrate rule, allowing her to deploy anywhere beyond range 3 of all enemy units. This ability can help her get in close so that she can engage in close combat early on in the fighting.
Rebellious is a command card that Jyn can use to engage in close combat quickly. This command gives Jyn Charge and allows Jyn to gain 1 suppression token to attack an enemy unit at range 1-2, before it performs its Rally step. Jyn’s Danger Sense ability is activated by suppression tokens, giving her an additional defense die per suppression token whenever she defends. No a bad way to disrupt enemy plans early on in the game!
Rebel Pathfinders will be joining Jyn Erso in her quest for rebellion. These troopers have Danger Sense like Jyn, which has synergy with their Dauntless ability to gain 1 suppression token to perform a free move action. Infiltrate can help them get into prime positions to lie in wait, getting an early strike against the Empire with Overwatch.
Overwatch is a training upgrade that gives your Rebel Pathfinders the Sentinel rule, giving them a standby range of 1-3. This can help you sit tight and defend a key position, daring your opponent to bring his forces within range of your Pathfinders.
Once the Empire does get within range, unleash a 5 dice attack with Bistan! This Iakaru alien is ready to bring the fight with Impact 1, helping him hit armored targets even harder and Ion 1 for an extra punch against vehicles. With your Rebel Pathfinders and Jyn Erso on the battlefield, they will surely be stirring up some rebellion in Legion!