Top 5 Neutral Upgrades For Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 23rd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Neutrality in the Star Wars universe can yield interesting results, especially in the Star Wars Destiny card game. Let’s take a look at the top neutral upgrades! 

Force Throw is an amazing utility card that has an interesting special ability. You can remove any die and deal damage to a character equal to the value showing on that die. Have 2 shields showing on another die, but you need 2 damage to defeat a character? Use the Force Throw special to cancel that die and deal 2 damage to your target. Super cool! Dice removal in this game is paramount, and using a removal to deal damage makes it even better.

Datapads are popular in upgrade heavy decks to help you ramp up to more expensive ones. Since you can swap upgrades and pay the difference, you can get more powerful upgrades for discount prices. The Datapad die also nets resource gain with its die and special ability. You may turn one of your dice to a side not showing ranged or melee damage. This could help you gain more resources to pay for the big powerhouse upgrades.

Holdout Blasters are seen in most Destiny decks, mainly for their supreme utility. With Ambush and Redeploy, these upgrades will give you more actions and will not leave the board that easily. Since they Redeploy, Holdout Blasters can be passed from you defeated characters to your fresh ones so you can continue blasting your opponents off the table. Super ranged damage and modifiers abound with this upgrade.

Cunning is a very popular card, used mainly for its special ability. You may resolve a special ability on another card in play as if it were your own. This is incredible! Can seem to get rid of that AT-ST? Use Cunning to turn the AT-ST special around on itself          (If you didn’t know, the AT-ST special is to remove a support in play!) It is also a cheap way on getting the Crime Lord special ability in play long before you pay for its resource cost. Great card!

Hunker Down is a great card for protecting your characters and adding an element of control to the board. Since it costs an action to gain its shield, Hunker Down can be used as a stall to set up bigger plays later in the round. Or you could use it to prevent Jango Fett from activating after you activate one of your characters. Since it costs 0 resources, it is a great way to get free shields on your characters. Just protect them form melee damage and you’ll be fine. Quick note: Hunker Down is not removed if you block melee damage with one of your shields!

That’s it for the Top Neutral upgrades for Star Wars Destiny. Since these upgrades can be in any deck, why not try them out and add them to yours today!