Tricky Trevura: Star Wars X-Wing Build

By Barclay Montgomery | April 11th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

This Scum Jumpmaster will take the hits and keep on ticking! Tel Trevura has a new way to keep your enemies distracted and occupied.

Tel Trevura is here to breathe new life into the Jumpmaster platform in Star Wars X-Wing. This ship has seen significant nerfs in the past, but this build will help make it the menace its meant to be. Tel Trevura has a nifty ability to survive damage. The first time Tel would be destroyed, instead remove all damage cards, and deal 4 damage cards to this ship. This is a great way to keep this ship going even after it takes massive damage.

The Punishing One title may be expensive, but it adds an offensive boost to the Jumpmaster. Increasing the primary weapon value to 3 can be just enough to make ships think twice about coming in close. A 360 degree firing arc with 3 dice, 4 at range 1, is nothing to be taken lightly.

To take the offense up a notch, as well as take advantage of Tel’s ability, equip Greedo. This crew member makes it so that the first time you attack and the first time you defend each round, the first damage card dealt is dealt face-up. This may not seem like a good idea, but Tel can tank the damage and can dish out some critical damage to your enemies.

Determination is a great elite upgrade to equip to Tel, as it can help mitigate Greedo’s downside. When you are dealt a face-up damage card with the Pilot trait, you may immediately discard it. This can further extend Tel’s hull value.

Hull upgrade will be the finishing touch on this tanky build. By  increasing Tel’s hull value to 6, whenever Tel is “destroyed” the first time,you must deal 4 damage cards to the ship. This normally would mean that Tel has 1 hit left before being destroyed agian, but with 6 hull, you have 2 remaining at this point. This can further increase Tel’s ability to shrug off damage on the tabletop!

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