Two Tubes: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | May 31st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

star wars legion

Join the Rebellion with Two Tubes, the latest U-Wing pilot to join the fight. Use your skills to outmatch the Imperial menace in X-Wing.

benthic two tubes u-wing

Benthic Two Tubes is a PS 4 U-Wing pilot with a support oriented pilot ability. After Two Tubes performs a focus action, he may remove 1 of his focus tokens to assign it to a friendly ship at range 1-2. This is a great way to spread the focus love that can pair well with an Rebel Ace.

magva yarro

To keep Two Tubes in the fight, Magva Yarro will be his crew mate. After defending, you may acquire a target lock on the attacker. This reactive ability will pair up nicely with Two Tubes as his PS is relatively low at 4. Use that target lock for your attack after you’ve be attacked by an Imperial Ace!

recon specialist

To double down on more focus, add a Recon Specialist to your crew. After you perform a focus action, you may assign 1 additional focus token to your ship. This can work out great for your Rebel squadrons as it gives a friendly at range 1-2 a focus and Two Tubes gets to keep 1. Not a bad deal! pivot wing attack

U-Wing stays longer in the fight with the Pivot Wing title. In the attack position, you may increase your agility by 1 and can flip it into landing position after you execute a maneuver. The landing position will allow you to rotate 180 degrees after you perform your speed 0 maneuver.

Keep the Imperial in your sights with Benthic Two Tubes and his Rebel buddies!

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