Ultimate Vader Counter: Star Wars Destiny Tech

By Barclay Montgomery | January 30th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Poe Dameron

Darth Vader may be a terror to behold, but Poe Dameron and Aayla Secura have a few countermeasures to defeat the Sith Lord!

Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron has a new plan to defeat Darth Vader in Destiny. Vader’s strength lies in his ability to re-roll his dice into his attack pool after they are removed by an opponent’s card effect. This makes him relentless in his pursuits and can be problematic for more control oriented style play. With Poe Dameron, he fixes Vader’s dice for him, without removing it. Poe’s special ability allows him to give a character 1 shields, and then he may turn another die to any side. Turn Vader’s die to a blank, and you have effectively mitigated his Power Action all together! Aayla Secura

To keep this party going, Poe will employ the help of the famed Jedi General, Aayla Secura. Aayla has a similar special ability to Poe’s to be able to turn one of your Blue or Red dice to any side, and then turn an opponent’s die to any side. Again, this is effectively removing Vader’s die without actually removing it. Brilliant! C-3PO

C-3P0 can also lend his talents to keep Poe and Aayla on their special ability path. C-3P0 has an action ability that allows you to remove his die to resolve one of your dice as if it were showing a different symbol, but keeping its original value. Since special ability sides and blanks have a value of 0, C-3P0 can change an otherwise bad dice roll into just the very thing that you needed to shut Vader down!


All of this die changing can give one a boost of Confidence. This 0 cost event may seem like a bad play, but the object of this deck is to mitigate key dice, specifically Vader’s character dice. Confidence allows you to choose an opponent’s die and forces them to resolve it if able. This can effectively remove Vader’s character die by forcing him to resolve his 2 shields or 2 resources side of his character die, and since you didn’t technically remove his die (he resolved it) he won’t be able to re-roll that die back into his pool with his Power Action. Force Jump

Since you have Aayla Secura as a teammate, use her abilities to give you Blue upgrades like Force Jump. This 1 cost upgrade gives you access to even more special ability options, allowing you to turn a die showing damage to a blank, and then re-roll Force Jump back into your pool. This can turn Vader’s powerful melee sides to blanks, stopping his frontal assault in its tracks!

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