Witch Magick Build For Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | March 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

The Dark Side of the Force is a path to abilities that some may consider being unnatural. Mother Talzin uses dark magick to manipulate the Force to her liking.

Mother Talzin has an interesting ability to utilize her dark magick in Destiny by manipulating card reveals from each deck. Other than knowing what your opponent might have coming up in the next round, her reveal ability can also affect dice in play. After you activate Mother Talzin, you may reveal the top card of a deck. If its cost is an odd number you may turn one of that player’s dice to any side. This can be a guarantee for your deck by including only odd number cards in your deck or with the foresight of a crystal ball.

The Crystal Ball upgrade makes Mother Talzin’s ability more precise. If you know that you have only odd costed cards left in your deck, and you need to change an opponent’s dice, use Crystal Ball to look at the top card of a deck. Its focus sides can also help manipulate your dice further if you need it.

Adding to the synergy of Mother Talzin’s abilities, as well as it being an Event you can use, Spell of Removal can work to your advantage. Discarding cards from your opponent’s deck can limit their options to counter your dice, and if you discard an odd coasted card, you may remove a die. This can be gleaned from Crystal Ball and looking at your opponent’s deck. 

If your deck is stacked with only odd number cards, Witch Magick can help Mother Talzin extend her longevity in Destiny. This 1 cost Event reveals the top 3 cards of a deck. Heal damage from a character equal to the number of cards that cost an odd number. This can bring Talzin back from the brink of defeat in a whisp of dark Magick!

Finally, the Nightsister Coven should be near Mother Talzin in Destiny. This 1 cost Support acts as a free source of damage, potentially. Whenever a character die rolls a blank you may exhaust Nightsister Coven to reveal the top card of a deck. If its cost is an odd number deal 1 damage to that character. This can be a guarantee with your odd cost only deck or gleaned from the Crystal Ball. Either way, it can rack up some free damage on your enemy’s characters.

Dark Magick is a way of life and death for Mother Talzin. Manipulate the Dark Side of the Force to prevail in Star Wars: Destiny!

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