Wookiee Warrior: X-Wing 2.0 Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Wullffwarro is ready to take the hits in X-wing 2.0. Get that Wookiee rage on and whenever the hits start rolling, you gotta roll more dice!


Wullffwarro is a Wookiee pilot in X-Wing 2.0 that becomes more powerful once the fur starts to fly. Just like Wookiee rage, he is able to add an additional attack die whenever he is performing a primary attacking if he is damaged. With his 180-degree primary firing arc, getting a shot on his targets will be easy to take advantage of. Saw Gerrera

To keep Wullffwarro strong, self-inflicted damage will go a long way for him. Saw Gerrera is a crew member that can help Wullffwarro in this way. While you perform an attack, you may suffer 1 damage to change all of your focus results to crit results.

This can activate his pilot ability to be able to attack with 4 dice or even 5 at close range with a built-in focus ability. This can free up Wullffwarro’s action for maneuvering barrel rolls or reinforce actions.

Zeb Orrelios

Another way to stay aggressive like a raging Wookiee will be to include Zeb Orrelios as a crew option. This allows Wullffwarro to be able to attack enemy ships at range 0. This can allow him to get in the way of enemy maneuvers and allow them to overlap him. Then he can blast his target with 5 attack dice and prevent them from using an action. IntimidationTo capitalize on the overlapping theme, Intimidation can further reduce your enemies defenses. while an enemy ship at range 0 defends, it rolls 1 fewer defense die. This combined with Wullffwarro’s ability to blast enemies with 5 dice at range 0, no ship will be able to stand up to Wookiee rage!

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