Z-95s To The Rescue: X-Wing 2.0 Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Z-95s To The Rescue: X-Wing 2.0

The Z-95 may not be a fearsome ship one-on-one, but together they can take down any foe the Empire can throw at them. Follow Airen Cracken!

Airen Cracken

Airen Cracken is bringing his Rebel allies in their Z-95s, and they will pack a punch. As the squad leader, Airen can give his fellow ships a nice action after he performs an attack, treating it as red. This can give better positioning with barrel rolls are better chances to hit with a focus. Either way, Airen will get this party started! Swarm Tactics

Since Airen Cracken has an impressive initiative of 5, share the love with your other low initiative ships with Swarm tactics. This elite upgrade makes it so that Airen can select a friendly ship at range 0-1, and that ship can fire at Airen’s initiative of 5. This can get you a nice one-two punch that can catch unwary ships off guard. Bandit Squadron Pilot

A Bandit Squadron Pilot is an excellent wingman to fly with Airen. Not only does the Bandit pilot benefit from Airen’s free action ability, but he can also take advantage of firing at initiative 5 instead of 1! Not bad for a lowly Z-95. But this guy needs a little extra punch to take out those Imperial aces!Concussion Missiles

Concussion Missiles is a great munitions upgrade for Bandit Squadron Pilot. As a locked attack, he can fire 3 attack dice at ranges 2-3 and can splash damage onto enemy ships at range 0-1 of the defender, forcing them to expose damage cards. Getting a target lock at imitative 1 can be tricky, but with Airen Cracken’s ability to give the Bandit an action during the engagement phase, those Concussion Missiles will surely hit their target!

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