New Star Wars Shadows of The Galaxy Set SPOILERS

Shadows of the Galaxy First LookFantasy Flight Games gave players a look at the next Star Wars Unlimited set, Shadows of the Galaxy that will be hitting stores this summer!

Star Wars Unlimited made a huge impact on the card scene with its first set, Spark of Rebellion, which sold like hotcakes all over. With many players eagerly anticipating the next new set, we now have the opportunity to look at the spoilers that were revealed in their latest livestream!

First Look At Shadows Of The Galaxy In Star Wars Unlimited!

Shadows of the Galaxy

After a pretty cool intro cinematic, the first thing that they told us was that the set is going to be based thematically around outlaws and those outside of the law. Bandits, smugglers, bounty hunters, as well as Mandalorians!


Speaking of which, that brings us to our first new leader, The Mandalorian. A 6-drop leader for cunning, this seems to be one of the most highly anticipated leader cards from fans so far. Passive exhaust possibilities seem pretty nuts!

Moff Gideon

On the other side, you have Moff Gideon. A 5-drop Command leader with overwhelm who can give others overwhelm seems like it could be solid for early base damage. Let’s take a look at some of the other cards teased.

Star Wars Unlimted Card Teased

Star Wars Unlimted Card Teased 2

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 3

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 4

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 5

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 6

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 7

Star Wars Unlimited Card Teased 8

We also know about three different new keywords that will be dropping this set.

  • Bounty: Rewards you for taking out/capturing enemy units
  • Capture: Similar to exile in Magic, this lets you temporarily capture a unit under one of your units. However, if you lose that unit, they will regain the captured one. This also gets rid of damage and upgrades on units.
  • Smuggle: They didn’t reveal what this one did, but we know that it’s on the way.

If you want to check out the rest of what they talked about, be sure to check out the full stream in the video below.

What do you think about this reveal for Shadows Of The Galaxy?

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