New Trailer For Star Wars: The Last Jedi

By Drago | October 10th, 2017 | Categories: movie, Star Wars


The next installment of the Star Wars franchise has premiered their new trailer. Check out the action-packed preview to the new installment here!Star Wars: The Last Jedi, coming to theatres December 15th, 2017, has released the new trailer. The opening suggests perhaps we have misunderstood the path of the two opposites from the first movie.

Kylo Ren seems to be trained by a voice we can only assume is Supreme Leader Snoke, seen with and without his mask (and a gnarly new scar). He also seems to be at war with himself once again over his past.

Rey is previewed training with Luke, who gives an ominous warning of her raw strength scaring him. “I’ve seen this raw strength in you once before. It didn’t scare me enough then. It does now.” Was Rey responsible, or partially responsible for the destruction of the training yard? The trailer sure teases that way. We know Luke is working with her with her force abilities, given the teaser that came earlier. Unless, the school was fought over by the First Order and Rey was the reason the school was destroyed – to get her for her force abilities. After all, it does imply that Luke is well aware of her abilities…unless his awe comes after training her for a while? So many options!

Finn and Captain Phasma still have some unfinished business and are meeting on the field of battle, this time in close combat. Poe is doing what he does best – piloting an X-wing, with BB8 as his copilot droid. Chewbacca and General Leia were seen in space, so we can assume there is a pretty big space battle going on.

Rey is definitely questioning everything she knows, as well as her fate and destiny (Darth Vader, don’t listen! We know you’re all about that destiny). Will she be turning to the dark side, as is implied with Kylo Ren reaching towards the camera. We know these two are connected somehow. What is their connection? Will they meet in combat again? Or will they become allies? Will we find more about Snoke?

Did you notice the new and improved super AT-ATs? This ain’t Hoth no more folks!

Whatever happens, they are building up the story heavily with this new trailer. Take a look below, or check it out, and more, via YouTube. For more information, check out IMDB for the latest in trivia, cast member information, and more. Take a look at Fandango for ticket information in a theater near you (yes, tickets are on sale already).