Star Wars

Calling all Imperial Pilots, checkout your new rides!FFG just decided to release a small supply of the new Imperial Aces kit, and boy do they look good. Tons of tricks to be had with these new ships and upgrades!  Press play on the video below for a sweet first look! Oh and if you missed […]

Read More | March 18th, 2014

Calling all Imperial Pilots, checkout your new rides!FFG just decided to release a small supply of the new Imperial Aces kit, and boy do they look good. Tons of tricks to be had with these new ships and upgrades!  Press play on the video below for a sweet first look! Oh and if you missed […]

Read More | March 15th, 2014

Boy oh boy. More previews of the upcoming GR-75 and this time we get to see the brand spanking new X-Wing Pilots! And these guys are looking good. For the most part heh. Fans of Rogue Squadron will be happy to see some of the named guys from there finally making their appearance in X-wing. […]

Read More | March 13th, 2014

After months of waiting to see what the deal is, Fantasy Flight has finally shown us a preview of the new Tantive IV.I can say so far is’…uh…wait what?’ As well as ‘Oh wow, that’s awesome!’ You’ll see what I mean as we continue through this article. Starting off we have the same deal as […]

Read More | February 27th, 2014

Looks like some professors at MIT and Havard have made a discovery that could possibly lead to the production of Lightsabers and Power Weapons.Basically they found a way to “create” light molecules, that seems legitimate. From the article;  To create their lightsaber molecules, or “photonic molecules” as they’re being called, Lukin and Vuletic had to […]

Read More | February 20th, 2014

Can’t stop, won’t stop! The hype train don’t stop here at Fantasy Flight, as we now have Wave FOUR to look forward to! Wait? Wave 4? What does that not make the Imperial Aces and Large ship expansions? I dunno… but now we’re knee deep into the extended universe here. HWK-290, you are no longer […]

Read More | February 11th, 2014

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where we display a sweet pic of something amazing that we’ve seen around the tubes, or took at an event!If you click on the Picture of the Day label you’ll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images, all at once. Ya gotta admit it makes a nice theme […]

Read More | February 9th, 2014

Somehow during my looking through the last few teasers and leaks for the upcoming ships, a part of me never noticed there wasn’t to much shared about the large ships outside of leaks. Imagine my surprise that Fantasy Flight throws out a look at the new GR-75… and its time to hop on the hype […]

Read More | February 3rd, 2014

Awhile back Fantasy Flight revealed their new expansion for the Empire by not adding a new ship, but by giving an existing ship more options. Not only that but a fresh paint job and 2 per box for the convenient price of…well, the same price you’d pay for 2 regular interceptors. But hey, new paint […]

Read More | January 27th, 2014

Here is an article I wanted to write for a bit but wasn’t sure if i could. Let’s take a quick look and promote a site some might know, Void state. You can find the site right here. For those who don’t know, Void state is a free to use X-Wing squad builder. And lets just […]

Read More | January 24th, 2014

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where we display a sweet pic of something amazing that we’ve seen around the tubes, or took at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you’ll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images, all at once. Please be real, be real.. http://www.inquisitr.com/1083877/boba-fett-movie-star-wars-spinoff/ -Enjoy MBG

Read More | January 24th, 2014

Oh lordy lord. Even more leaks! This time about the rules for the new giant ship stuff.And let me be the first say yet again, WHY CAN’T WE GET BETTER PICTURES HERE?! Other than that, lets take a look. First and foremost these babies aren’t in scale. Which in my opinion, is a shame. Granted, […]

Read More | January 16th, 2014

Oh boy oh boy it’s a thing! A new thing! Involving ships!Well, just another leaked picture thing, this time of the new GR-75 Rebel Transport. Rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it? And what does this little picture tell us? Well, High quality pictures are never used for leaks, don’t know why. But that also […]

Read More | December 31st, 2013

The TIE Advanced. Darth Vaders personal space fighter and the ship meant to replace the TIE Fighter and lead to the creation of the TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor.Sounds pretty awesome right? So, why does it just stink? I mean since I started this game I never see people use them, even way back when […]

Read More | December 28th, 2013

With the immense success of Star Wars X-Wing it was only a matter of time before the flip side of nerd coin would get its own mini game. That’s right boys and girls, Star Trek takes it first walk into the space combat miniatures game (least I hope so cause if I’m wrong I’m so […]

Read More | December 20th, 2013

Welcome to Conversion Corner, where we display great looking converted and Work In Progress (WIP) models from stuff we’ve done or amazing figures we’ve seen around. If you click on the Conversion Corner label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking conversions and more, all at once. Good or bad, he’s holding a Thermal Detonator by unknown.  -Enjoy […]

Read More | December 19th, 2013

Lookie lookie on possible rumors hitting the internets. with this here picture we can see a possible price for the new upcoming ship.And oh lord in heaven, 90 bucks? Granted, something tells me this is all a nice little hoax. This was found on Amazon, but with no real info outside that, theres not much […]

Read More | December 1st, 2013

This time around I’ll be talking about the other two ships, the HWK-290 and the Lambda together.Are they worth the time and effort or are they best left in the scrap yard? Again, you’ll want to pick them up purely for the upgrades, but should you get multiple ships? Lets find out. Well, lets answer […]

Read More | November 21st, 2013

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where we display a sweet pic of something amazing that we’ve seen around the tubes, or took at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you’ll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images, all at once. Sometimes I get the nagging feeling maybe Boba […]

Read More | October 26th, 2013

Continuing with my run on the new ships, lets talk about the Tie Bomber in a more review type tone.Like with the B-Wing, I won’t be going over the pilots or upgrades or anything. Just the ships as a whole with my time playing with them, and whether or not you should shell out some […]

Read More | October 13th, 2013

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at a sweet 40k Yoda model. -Enjoy MBG

Read More | October 8th, 2013