Star Wars X-Wing: Say Hello to the New Boss Fleets!

By Barclay Montgomery | April 7th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

MCQ-bwing xwing

Who is the reigning top dog right now in X-wing? Well we have the latest scoop on the emerging Wave 8 Meta so let’s talk some tactics!

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions 

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions 

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions

99 points

The current reigning bad boy is the Scum faction’s Triple Torpedo Jumpmaster Spam! The simplicity of this list is evident in all the action economy that you can get when you mix an Elite slot, Unhinged Astromech slot, and a Torpedo slot. Wave 8 seems to highly favor munitions, what with the Guidance Chips upgrade that just came out.

Novice pilots might want to test this list out before competing because 3 large ships can be difficult to maneuver together. Other than that,it’s not that bad to fly.

Protip: try out just 2 Jumpmasters and mix and match to try and fit a small ship that complements them well.


PS 8 – The Inquisitor – Push the Limit + Autothrusters + TIE/v1

PS 8 – Omega Leader – Juke + Comms Relay

PS 4 – Wampa

PS 2 – Omicron Group Pilot – Emperor Palpatine 

100 points

Move over Darth and Soontir! The newest version of the Palpatine Aces list is blasting into the current meta game hard and fast. In this list, The Emperor guides the Inquisitor and Omega Leader to hunt down enemy aces, while Wampa waits to add a face-down damage card to unsuspecting ships.

If you save the Emperor’s die influence for Wampa, you can change one of his dice to a crit, then Wampa can cancel that crit to deal a facedown damage card automagically. Synergy! Gotta love it. A key for this list: don’t be afraid to get the Palp Shuttle into the fight. His 3 attack dice could potentially finish off a wounded ship, and if your opponent focuses on the shuttle, your Aces are free to wreak havoc.


PS 7 – Hera Syndulla – Veteran Instincts + Phantom + Kanan Jarrus + Dorsal Turret

PS 4 – Chopper – Ghost + Anti-Pursuit Lasers + Accuracy Corrector + Autoblaster Turret + Zeb Orrelios + Leebo

PS 3 – Green Squadron Pilot + Chardaan Refit + A-Wing Test Pilot + Autothusters + Push the Limit + Juke

100 points

This list comes in hot with the new Ghost and Phantom, along with a little A-Wing buddy to help out. Chopper wants to get in close and hopefully bump other ships, where he can do a guaranteed 4 damage with Accuracy Corrector and Autoblaster plus primary weapon attack. Anti-Pursuit Lasers helps to add a damage here and there. Zeb allows you to fire upon enemies that you re touching that are inside your firing arc.

Leebo is a crew member here that helps Chopper boost into tight spots to hope for a collision, at the expense of an ion token. But hopefully your ion drift will allow you to bump again! When she is ready to pounce, Hera can deploy in the Phantom and become a tricky arc dodger. With Kanan on board, white maneuvers can clear stress, and your Push the Limit A-Wing will surely appreciate that!

That’s all that we have for today with tactics discussion! Have you seen any other lists that could potentially shake up the X-Wing metagame? Let us know!

Keep flying and have fun!