T-65 X-Wing Fixed Finally? Wave 14 Breakdown

By Crabbok | June 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Tactics

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Fire up the converters, there are more X-wing expansions coming in hot that feature numerous improvements and fixes to old ships and their mechanics. Come see the latest breakdowns.

X-Wing’s Wave 14 is finally announced and it’s going to have the long-awaited T-65 fix, so from the looks of it, we can actually play X-Wings in the game that’s named after it!

wave 14 boxes xwing


It’s an entire Rogue One theme!  TIE Reapers, Saw Guererra, Partisans!

Courtesy of FFG:

Be sure to check out Miniature Market for X-Wing 2.0 models.

Saw’s Renegades Expansion expands the capabilities of the T-65 X-wing beyond anything that has previously been seen with a new dual-sided upgrade card.

From the moment they began their attack on the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope, it was evident that the T-65 X-wing performed differently with its S-foils set in different positions. Now, this functionality makes its way into X-Wingwith the Servomotor S-foils modification. Not only do the S-foils on the T-65 miniature included in this expansion physically open and close, this upgrade gives it new abilities while flying in these configurations.



A 2-Pack for the rebels includes yet another place to pick up X-Wings and they actually seem to have movable wings!   Numerous upgrades in here and several of them say “S-Foil” so we are almost certainly getting that long-awaited X-Wing fix!

Saw's Renegades

The S-Foils (Closed) is going to be a great way to clear stress and get out of dodge of your opponent’s attacks, while the S-Foils (Open) is going to give you the perfect opportunity to jump on the offensive and get yourself in that perfect position to attack.

And also apparently some love for U-Wings as well.

But where the cards in the U-Wing Expansion Pack focused on military espionage, those found in the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack tend to be more directly confrontational. For example, if you choose Saw Gerrera  as a pilot, friendly ships in the thick of the fight can reroll one of their attack dice while they have stress tokens or damage cards.


Benthic Two Tubes,  on the other hand, can assign focus tokens to nearby friendly ships, the perfect way to help out an X-wing closing in for an attack.


The TIE Reaper also looks amazing, as it’s pretty big of a ship that’s riding on a small base. From the looks of it you can put Palpatine here as well!

tie reaper spread wave 14 xwing


Engineered as a high-performance troop transport for in-atmosphere missions, the TIE reaper also made its debut in Rogue One. Equipped with advanced ailerons for precise atmospheric maneuvering, thick armor plating, powerful laser cannons, and the capacity to carry elite infantry, this menacing vessel struck fear into Rebel forces across the galaxy.

A TIE reaper is not especially agile, leaving it with only a single defense die, but with six hull and two shields, these starships are durable enough to stick around on the battlefield. In fact, TIE reapers bring something quite special to your Imperial X-Wing squadrons. This ship bears the unusual jam action that lets you jam nearby ships and prevent them from using a focus, evade, or target lock—opening a wealth of tactical opportunities when you’re building your squad or flying into battle.

Here’s my video breakdown of the wave! “Save the Rebellion! Save the dream!” –Saw Gerrera, Rogue One

Make sure you checkout Crabbok’s site for all sorts of tactics and news on FFG’s Star Wars games from X-wing to Legion he’s got you covered!

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