The Little Foam Storage Bag that Could! Game Plus Skirmish Bag

By Barclay Montgomery | February 13th, 2019 | Categories: Product Review, Storage Cases, Videos

The Little Foam Storage Bag that Could! Game Plus Skirmish Bag

If you need a new smaller solution for hauling your miniatures around, Games Plus has a new hobby bag that has you covered.

Transporting your miniatures can be a problem at times, but if you have a foam tray hobby bag, it can be super easy. There are various hobby bags out there, but picking the right one can be a challenge. It will all depend on your hobby and miniature needs, as smaller bags can normally only accommodate smaller armies and models.

A nice option for smaller sized squads of miniatures or a smaller 2000 point 40k army would be the new Game Plus Skirmisher Bag.

Spikey Bits Readers can use this code: SBGPP2019 to save 10% Off ANY Game Plus Product until Feb 15th, 2019.

Games Plus Skirmisher Bag $31.99

The Skirmisher Bag is a fantastic new, affordable hobby bag that is super easy to use. Game Plus products can easily be found at Miniature Market on their webstore. This small bag is little in price as well as size, and can be a great option for quick in and out transport and storage.

This Skirmish Bag may not be able to fit codex or rule books, but the pouches on the sides of the Skirmisher Bag expand and have plenty of room for hobby tools, measuring tape, and dice. There may not be tons of room for books per se, but your other hobby supplies and gubbins should fit perfectly.

The material on the outside of the bag is of a canvas feel, and comes with a nice little plastic sleeve on the front to be used for identification. The smaller Skirmisher Bag utilizes a two-way zipper system that allows the bag to collapse and subsequently be zipped up to put it together, ready to stare items and miniatures.

Once the Skirmisher Bag has been zipped up and put together, canvas straps with nylon can be attached on the outside for easy carrying. This nice and compact hobby bag can be deceptively small, but can be a great option for smaller miniatures or smaller-sized army transport.

Bag provided for promotion and review.

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