A Question For All Tabletop Players: Why Do You Wargame?

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We have a question for all the gamers in the community. Why do you play the factions/games that you do? Give us your honest answers.

Across the tabletop gaming world, there are a whole host of different models/factions/games to choose from. So why do you play them? What drew you into playing what you play?

Was it for the Looks of the Models?


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Rule of cool? Did you pass by the shelf and see some of the coolest miniatures you’ve ever seen? Did you get into the game thinking “man…I would really love to paint that!”. Depending on whether you play some kind of alien race, desperate humans, or monsters outside of reality, we all have a “favorite model”.

Do You Play For Seriousness or Wackiness?

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When you got into the game, was it because you saw a model that looked like he could 1v1 Chuck Norris no problem? Or did you get into the game playing the faction that makes you think “How in the world are these guys a threat?” Between Skaven blowing themselves up and Grotz getting eaten by their own Squigs, there’s plenty of wackiness in GW’s realm.

Do You Play For Competitiveness Or Fluff?

knight castellan Does The Knight Really Need a FAQ? Deep Thoughts

Do you enjoy taking the top tier lists and throwing them against other meta bruisers? When you see a Castellan hit the board are you looking forward to seeing how you can beat it? Or do you roll your eyes and automatically think your opponent is a tryhard that sucks the fun out of the game? Do you gear your lists up with models that you want to play, regardless of how they perform?

WIth whatever your reasons may be, we are all a part of one big hobby family. We come from all different backgrounds and reasons we were pulled to the game. At the end of the day, we can all come together and enjoy the hobby in our own way. Make sure you let us know what your reasons for playing tabletop games are and what got you into them in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.