Battlescribe is Back! Get Your Hot-fix Update NOW!

By Wesley Floyd | April 26th, 2019 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Battlescribe hit a rough patch during some updates a few days ago. But the good news is that it’s back and running smoother than ever.

If you haven’t heard, Battlescribe put out an update to make the app easier to navigate. However, somewhere during that process, people were having issues with the app crashing and only giving the selection in 40k for Renegade Knights. The good news is that it’s back and running once again.

Battlescribe 2.02.02 Update Successful

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After the rough patch, Battlescribe’s Facebook Page announced that the app is working just the way it was intended. Keep in mind that the developer is continually working on any kind of bugs that may still appear.

BattleScribe 2.02.02 is now available in the iOS App Store.

This fixes the issue where no factions would be visible to create a roster with.

(bear in mind it may take a little while to roll out to everyone)

Apologies for the bumpy start there everyone, but we should be back to normal now (barring a few minor bugs that I am working on now).

So what has the update done exactly? We’re glad you asked. You can look forward to:

  • significant memory performance with bigger lists/rosters
  • improved roster sharing
  • printing
  • bug fixes
  • new options to navigate through “nested” forces
  • split screen support
  • updates for iPhone X

We recommend going into your app store and updating it manually from there. (That’s what we did). 

It might have been bad timing if you had your lists all on the app and a had a tournament to go to, but looking forward, we’ll have an easier time navigating the app as well as being able to share/print our lists for those tournaments easier.

What do you think about Battlescribe? Do you still prefer to write your lists out from your army’s codex? Do you like making lists in your free time and keeping them loaded? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.