New Darklands, BaneLegions, & Templar’s Forge

By Zeb Barrett | April 6th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products


A ton of new releases have been rolled out for Darklands, BaneLegions, and Templar’s Forge! Come check out these great looking miniatures!

So many new releases to look at! Check out all the newest for Dasklands, BaneLegions, and Templar’s Forge!

Source: Mierce Miniatures

Spears of Dun Durn, Gairlom Unit (10x warriors w cmd) – 64,99 £


The Albainn gain their first infantry unit this month in the rather hairy and gobby shape of the Gairlom, spear-warriors with the classic H-shaped shields. Sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont, these guys really do look mean and moody! There’s four different units to purchase – five warriors with command, ten warriors with command, five warriors and ten warriors – all comprised of the seven individual Gairlom. There’s Brusta, the unit’s champion; Nectan, the unit’s banner-bearer; Fidaich, the unit’s herald; and four warriors, Oinuist, Smertae, Nectaich and Fidain.

Mihtlāf, Morthorbera – 59,99 £


This guy is brutal in the most brutish sense of the word. Converted by Martin Lavat from Dan Warren’s artwork and Benoît Cosse’s original Maallolvór miniature, Mihtlāf (pronounced “MYT-larf”) is a massive Morthorbera (murder-bear) from the wilds of Northumbraland, a powerful ally in the pagan Angelcynn’s fight to survive.

Urien’s Guard, Teulu Unit – 64,99 £


They’ve been a long time in coming but the Brythoniaid finally have a unit of infantry to speak of, and that’s the Teulu! Sculpted digitally by Olivier Nkweti from the artwork by Dan Warren, the Teulu (pronounced “TAY-li”) are the personal bodyguard of Urien himself and lesser nobles themselves. The Teulu can be purchased in four different ways – a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual miniatures are Cynog of Gaer yn Arfon, the Penteulu or champion; Lleu Gryf, the bannerman; Gerallt ap Iorwerth, the herald; and Dafydd, Emyr, Iorwerth and Gryf, all warriors.

Warriors of Dyngonwy, Rhyfelwr Unit – 64,99 £


You wait years for one infantry unit, and two come along at once! Typical. Anyway, the Rhyfelwyr (pronounced “hru-VEL-wer”), meaning simply “warriors”, are the backbone of the Brythoniaid’s human strength and each Rhyfelwr is as able with sword and shield as he is with a bow. Sculpted by Yannick Hennebo from the artwork by Dan Warren, the Rhyfelwyr can be purchased in four different ways – a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Rhyfelwyr are Alun, the Penrhyfelwr or champion; Aeron, the bannerman; Cefin, the herald; and Gafan, Iestyn, Aestoc and Efan, all warriors. For the pedants, note the difference between singular (Rhyfelwr) and plural (Rhyfelwyr)!

Erebius, Demiurion on Foot – 19,99 £


We decided to take advantage of Dan Cockersell’s work on Erebius on his Behema to turn the mounted Erebius into a foot version, too – so we strong-armed Yannick Hennebo and the rest, as they say, is history…

Nervor, Demioption – 19,99 £


With Yannick Hennebo sculpted the Demilegionarius Unit, it seemed only fair to give him a crack at Nervor, the Demioption (meaning, half-option), a lieutenant in the Byzantii / Infernii legions. This guy is half-demon, half-man and a nasty fellow to boot! Drawn by Danny Cruz, originally.

Con I Modius, Legionarius Contubernium – 54,99 £


The Legionarii (painted here by Paul Whittaker) have been a while in coming, too; sculpted by Hector Moran and Luc Pinganaud from the artwork by Steve Pierce, these guys are the mainstay of the Byzantii and are armed with spatha (sword), scutum (shield) and pila (javelin). There’s only one unit size available – eight – but you can purchase individual Legionarii should you wish: Modius, the Decanus or champion and seven Legionarii, Gellius, Tiberius, Livia, Severa, Tiberia, Serena and Geraldus.

Sia, Leónis of Kyrene – 39,99 £


Ahhh, Sia. What a lovely creature you are! Effectively a giant Lion, and converted by Martin Lavat from Mohamed Aït-Mehdi’s original Maaru, Sia is a Leónis of the Byzantii and an excellent addition to the ranks of the Auxilia Bestiarius.

Cormac of the Red Hand, Curadh of the Uí Néill on Foot – 12,99 £


The Érainn gain an excellent Warchief in the shape of Cormac of the Red Hand, a mighty Curadh well able to take on the enemies of the Irish. Sculpted superbly by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont!

Men of Clochar, Tuanagh Unit – 64,99 £


It’s time for an infantry unit for the Érainn, in the slightly mad shape of the Tuanaghta (pronounced “too-an-AH-ta”), axe-wielding nutters who probably drink far too much on a Friday evening. These guys are sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont, and they can be purchased in four different ways – a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Tuanaghta are Pádraig, the Ceann or champion; Dara, the Bratachagh or banner bearer; Ronan, the Aralt or herald; and Brian, Colm, Tadhg and Ruairí, all warriors. The plural is Tuanaghta, the singular Tuanagh.

Chaaruch the Despoiler – 19,99 £


Sculpted by Michael Anderson from the artwork by Dan Warren, Chaaruch the Despoiler is a very nasty-looking Gul-Gabrax and a war-leader of ill repute, especially as he can bring loads of Gul-Gabrax to battle with him! Painted here by Sébastien Picque.

Gaanh, Walvax Tain – 29,99 £


Another superb beast-man for the Fomoraic, Gaanh is a Walrus-man or Walvax, sculpted by Yannick Fusier from the artwork by Danny Cruz. Gaanh really is a superb miniature, one of our finest we believe, one that you can easily imagine throwing his harpoon to pierce your torso and drag you to your doom… ahem.

The Eye Ascendant, Warrior of Baalor Unit – 64,99 £


Another unit! Will this pleasure never end? Maybe, because the Warriors of Baalor – cruel, vain humans turned by Baalor for his own ends – would certainly look down upon such things! Sculpted by Olivier Nkweti from the artwork by Steve Pierce, and painted here by Sébastien Picque, the Warriors of Baalor come in four flavours: a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Warriors of Baalor are Aanan, the Gultain or champion; Ulaan, the Tusk-bearer or banner bearer; Lungaarn, the hornblower or herald; and Coraat, Paara, Lalaan and Gaarnul, all warriors.

Mildryth, Jute Thain – 12,99 £


Ahh, Mildryth! Sculpted beautifully by Yannick Hennebo from the artwork by Danny Cruz, Mildryth is the first Jute Warchief to be released and is a really amazing one at that. She’s human, of course, but she’s still able to command the undead!

Gol Gul, Barrow Spider – 69,99 £


When we see Gol Gul, we shudder. He’s a gigantic spider, of course, standing upon a 120mm base, and he really does make you recoil with disgust! Sculpted by Aragorn Marks from the artwork by Danny Cruz, we dare you to assemble him without feeling a bit sick.

Ischys, Stóskoulon of Khthon – 39,99 £


Another monster from the conversion-fest that was Darklands: Metal Age, Ischys (converted by Martin Lavat from the artwork by Dan Warren) uses part of Chysperis’ body to form a burrowing snake-monster on an 80mm base. Be warned: he swallows!

Srók, Krokodarch – 34,99 £


We’ve waited a long time for a Krokodar commander, but Srók is finally here and he can bring his brutal mates with him thanks to his Compel (Krokodar) ability! Sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from the artwork by Christophe Madura.

Borruk, Orc Giant – 119,99 £


Another of the fantastic monsters funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, Borruk is an Orc Giant, a real nasty piece of work converted by Andrew May from the original giant of the Albainn, Gomagg, and the artwork by Dan Warren. You don’t have to paint him green, but it helps!

Old Bill of Bell End, Giant – 119,99 £


If there is such a thing as a “regular” Giant, Old Bill is that giant: he’s a bog-standard, vanilla Giant funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project. Converted by Andrew May from the original giant of the Albainn, Gomagg, and the artwork by Dan Warren.

N’nhohbr’hurt’hs, Demon Prince of Plague – 59,99 £


Yet another monster funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, N’nhohbr’hurt’hs (Pronunciation? Well, the last bit is pronounced “urts”) is a fantastic conversion of Malacant, a demon of the Infernii. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson!

Khan-Fury, Demon Prince of War – 59,99 £


The preantepenultimate (look it up) monster funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project to be released, Khan-Fury is a fantastic conversion of Malacant, a demon of the Infernii. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson!

Darklands Exult and Dismay Tokens Set – 25,00 £


We now have the Darklands Exult and Dismay Tokens Set to ensure Darklands gamers can properly track the status of your units! The set gives you seventy exult and dismay tokens that are attached to a unit when necessary, ensuring each player instantly knows that unit’s status.

Darklands Continuous Effect Tokens Set – 20,00 £


We have another tokens set for you this month, too – this time the Darklands Continuous Effect Tokens Set, which gives you fifty continuous effect tokens that are attached to a unit when necessary, ensuring each player instantly knows what continuous effects the unit is suffering.


Darklands Positioning Laser – 24,99 £


It’s a hobby-fest this month with Templar’s Forge – here’s the long-awaited Positioning Laser, a Class 1 laser and so perfectly safe to use, which is used to measure accurately the line of sight of warriors on the battlefield at any time. Other methods of determining sight lines are usually inaccurate and almost always open to interpretation; a Darklands positioning laser immediately ends any line of sight argument!

Head over to Mierce Miniatures and pick up all the newest releases today!