Hasbro Pulse Has a New Unicron Transformer Update

unicron toy prototype (2)The development of The War For Cybertron Unicron Transformer is making progress and now it has packaging! Check out how massive this toy is!

Hasbro Pulse recently put out Update #4 for the massive Unicron transformer which gives us details on the box and shipping process. Let’s dive in and break down all the details from their post, and the embedded videos of them attempting to damage the box.

unicron toy prototypeHere’s a shot of Design Manager, Lenny, and Engineering Manager, Lynsey, going through one of the models with Lee.

So the model is 27 inches tall, 32 inches wide, and has a depth of 11 inches when on his stand.  When transformed into the planet, it is 33 inches tall and 37 inches wide including its ring. technically speaking the measurements can change slightly as they are still very much in development and testing. These are by no means the be all end all.

New Hasbro Pulse Unicron Transformer Update

unicron big box The box itself is 26 Square Inches. With that, it’s sure to be a challenge to package and ship effectively and safely, which brings us to update #4.

dropper machineThe update is mainly on the testing stage of the box and seeing if it can withstand damage during shipping. The first test was on a “dropper machine”. This allowed them to repeatably drop the box on corners and edges from a consistent height.

box vibe checkerThe second test they showed off was the vibe table. It simulates a car or truck and vibrates up and down. This allows them to check if the contents move around and if that would cause any damage in the shipping process. With the vibe checked and assuming all went well, the actual problem of shipping is getting solved.

This means if you’re on the hype train, you’re getting one step closer to actually getting this! Because no one wants their kits to come broken, even though Unicron is the breaker of worlds…

This massive model is expected to ship in early 2021, which is basically here so get ready!

Did you back the project? Are you excited about the release? Are you going to try to get one?

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