Rhino Pre-Order Announced for Marvel Crisis Protocol in 2023!

Rhino Marvel Crisis Protocol featureIf you’re working on completing the Sinister Six, the Rhino pre-order has been announced for Marvel Crisis Protocol, and he’s coming in 2023!

The minis for MCP do not look to be slowing down at all, which is a good thing for anyone who plays! While this doesn’t have an exact release date quite yet (it actually says in stock right now on AMG’s site, but all the pictures and such say pre-order, so we’ll have to wait for a little for the exact date), we do expect it soon as they usually don’t show off minis until they are almost ready.

Let’s take a closer look at the announcement from AMG.

Rhino Pre-Order Announced for Marvel Crisis Protocol in 2023!

Pre-order from AMG here!

Rhino MCPEven though we just saw the picture on Facebook, they already put the model on their store, which is pretty awesome to be able to already pre-order it!

Rhino Marvel Crisis Protocol 2Let’s hear what they have to say about the model:

A new villain charges into Marvel: Crisis Protocol! With a durable second skin grafted all over his body, the aptly named Rhino is stronger, tougher, and more inured to pain than your average supervillain. This pack adds this rampaging villain to players’ rosters, giving them another powerful option in the Spider- Foes and Criminal Syndicate affiliations. Additionally, three Team Tactic cards enhance Rhino’s abilities, making him even more versatile in battle.

Rhino Marvel Crisis ProtocolThey actually revealed the model, and it looks amazing! Obviously, we haven’t seen any cards soon, but we expect to before too long, as AMG likes to show off a decent amount of rules before models drop.

Having a Rhino in the game now is also pretty awesome, as it’s a step closer to finishing off the Sinister Six. We currently have three and now only need three more! The last three (well, depending on which version you are talking about) are Vulture, Sandman, and Electro.

It could also just be really fun to play scenarios with all six versus Spidey! 

Current Sinister Six Models:

Doctor Octopus

We’ve also seen a rework of this model, but he has been in the game basically since the beginning in the starter set! Finally, he’s starting to get some more help!

MysterioMysterio is also a pretty awesome model and another member to help bring down Spidey!

green goblinThe group wouldn’t be complete without a Goblin!

3 new marvel packs 3Lizard and Kraven are newer minis for the game and have some pretty cool rules.

Venom mcp

This is the 3rd (or 2nd, depending on how you look at it) member of the Sinister Six in the game! We’ll have to see if they make them all, but we love to see them all.

Click Here to Pre-Order Yours!

Are you excited about Rhino joining MCP? Will you be picking it up?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!