We noticed something interesting from Reaper recently, as allegedly “their” new hobby bag looks very similar to one by Monument Hobbies…
While looking at the new ReaperCon 2023 ad for their Barrowgate Collector’s Bundle, the bag in the ad looked very similar to something we’ve been using for a long time now: the first Monument Hobbies GoBag.
Reaper also had the bag for sale on their site, but (recently, it was taken down); however, you can still grab it in the Barrowgate Bundle.
Stolen or Developed: Reaper Vs. Monument Hobbies
Take a look at some of the similarities between these two hobby bags that hit the market years apart:
Here is the bag that piqued our interest. As of this writing, it is still available on the Reaper site for both the US and EU. Front and center is the bag in question and, for us, the most interesting part of the flyer.
Digging a little deeper into thier social media, we noticed something from the last time the ReaperCon was supposed to happen back in 2020…
It looks like the Reaper Keeper was meant to be the centerpiece of Reaper Con in 2020 when tickets went on sale in February of that year, but obviously, the Pandemic pushed everything back, and we didn’t see the bag (re)emerge until now.
So… why is all this so interesting? Well, to us, this product (or mock-up) looks pretty similar to the first Monument Hobbies GoBag from back in 2018 (then called Slow Fuse Games.)
When someone on Reaper’s Facebook event page asked about the carrying possibilities of the bag, they seemed to have taken a direct product image of the bag from the Monument Hobbies site. You can see the image used above by Reaper and by us below in our product post on the Monument Hobbies GoBag back in 2021, it looks to be the same.
This is the product picture from Monument, and if you look closely at the Reaper picture, you can even see the green on the front of the bag, whereas all the ones they marketed were just black with red writing.
If you look at the product page on Google Shopping, this is still the exact image that is up for the Monument GoBag, because the current one still uses the same foam.
Removed From the Store
We contacted both companies (Monument Hobbies and Reaper Miniatures) for comment. Hours later, we noticed that the listing for the bag had been removed from sale on Reaper’s site but was still cataloged in Google Shopping and part of the Reaper Con Barrowgate Bundle.
Plus, all their social media posts were still up, including the one that allegedly used Monument Hobbies’ product image to sell the bag’s features to their customers.
When you search for the bag on the site, it is no longer available except in the Barrowgate Bundle.
However, you can still find the bag listed for sale in Google Shopping, which, in theory, means they did have it recently listed for sale at some point, both with foam and no-foam tray options. It may just be that the listing has just not been de-synced off Google Shopping yet…
While we never received comment back from Reaper Miniatures, Monument Hobbies did reply with the following statement about the similarities between the two bags:
Another Look at the Similarities Between The Reaper Keeper Bag & Monument Hobbies Go Bag.
Here are the two bags side by side and two video reviews of both bags, with ours from 2018 when Monument Hobbies was known as Slow Fuse Games.
What do you think about all the similarities between the Reaper Keeper and Monument Hobbies first GoBag?
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