Tyranids Are #1: Best 40k Army List This Week

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Tyranids rose to the top of the leaderboards at the Salt Classic GT At Hey Wanna Play as we look at the top 40k Army list.

The Salt Classic GT At Hey Wanna Play is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their army.

Tyranids Are #1: Best 40k Army List This Week

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

2nd Place: David Ozawa- Space Wolves


salt sw 1Starting off with David’s Battalion of Space Wolves, they are lead by Bjorn, A Librarian in Terminator Armour, and a Primaris Techmarine. Bjorn offers some decent weapons while also being on a very durable body, plus the nice core re-roll aura for hits of 1.

The Librarian and Techmarine both offer support through psychic powers and repairing vehicles when you need them most respectively.

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Troops start off with two 5 man squads of Infiltrators, which offer some standard bodies while having the nice benefit of forcing enemies to deep strike in 12″ away instead of 9″.

salt sw 3The third troop is an Intercessor squad, which serves as the standard troop choice for most flavors of Space Marines.

Starting the Elite section are two Redemptor Dreads, one with a Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, the other with a Macro Plasma Incinerator. These options offer a mix of chaff clearing and potential anti-armor support, all while being on decently tough bodies.

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salt sw 6The other three Elite options are squads of  5 Wolf Guard Terminators each. Every squad took shields with a mix of 2 claws and 3 storm bolters with a cyclone missile launcher thrown in for good measure.

This means each squad can engage in both melees and ranged combat relatively effectively at any point in the game. Whichever situation they end up in they can use the opposite models as wound soaks.

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salt sw 7Fast attacks see the last two additions to the list. The first is a Cyberwolf, which was included just to eat up the final leftover points. The final selection is a 5 man inceptor Squad with plasma exterminators, which are some of the hardest-hitting anti-armor options in the game.

1st Place: John Lennon- Tyranids

tyranids wal hor


salt nids 1John took the unpopular route of going nids this week, and it looks like it paid off. He took two detachments with the first being a Kronos Patrol.

It is led by a Neurothrope offering some cheap psychic support, while Ripper Swarms and Hormagaunts offer cheap bodies to eat up some shots for the more important units. One such important unit is the 6 Hiveguard who contains a large chunk of the points in the detachment.

The Impaler Cannons are great allowing these to shoot without a line of sight, making them better at harassing ranged units than most options since they don’t have to put themselves in danger. An Exocrine is a final addition in the patrol offering a ton of shots if it stays still, waking it great against swarms.

salt nids 2The second and larger detachment is a Kraken Battalion lead by The Swarmlord and a Hive Tyrant. The Swarmlord offers more psychic support while also having the benefit of letting one unit move twice instead of shooting. The Tyrant is just a solid solo unit that can deep strike in and cause a decent amount of havoc all on its own in melee.

Troops bring in a total of 30 Hormagaunts and Termagants, giving a ton of bodies to soak wounds and a decent volume of shots or attacks in melee if they even get in.

A single Lictor serves as a very cheap unit that you can use to deep strike in and wrap up a backline ranged unit for a turn and hope it doesn’t die.

The final additions are two Dimachaerons who serve as melee beasts, who can also dish out mortals to low strength units.

Tyranids Victory- Congrats to John on the win!

What do you think about these 40k army lists from the Salt Classic GT At Hey Wanna Play? Are Tyranids shaping up to be a dark horse army in 9th? How about other factions?

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