GW Teases How To Play Custodes & Talons of the Emperor!

By James Rodriguez | February 28th, 2017 | Categories: Forge World, Horus Heresy, Tactics, Warhammer 40k Rumors

The 7th book in The Horus Heresy collection, Inferno, is now shipping, and Games Workshop just gave us another closer look inside the covers.

Yesterday, Games Workshop gave us a closer look at how to play Space Wolves, and today it’s the Talons of the Emperor’s turn.

Courtesy of Warhammer Community:

Closer Look Talons

Your basic Custodian Guard sets you back over 50 points, so expect to be thoroughly outnumbered in every game you play against a Legion force. Sisters of Silence are a more reasonable 10 points each, on a par with Legionary level troops, but with a lower Toughness, you’re not going to last long in a straight firefight and you’ll need to be relying on your supporting units and vehicles to swing the battle in your favour.

Closer Look Talons

Luckily, no force in the galaxy is better trained, more disciplined, or more expertly armoured and armed than the Talons of the Emperor. A single Custodian can take on whole squads of lesser warriors and, while more subtle, the Sisters of Silence – if used right – can be a most efficient and deadly blade.

Closer Look Talons

Their vehicle support is outstanding, from the various Custodian Dreadnought classes, all of which outmatch their Legion equivalents, to their fast and well-armored tanks and transports. A particular highlights is the Gyrfalcon Jetbike – a Custodian with a bolt-cannon, who is too fast to run from and harder to kill – nice.

Your tactics on the battlefield are going to have to be on point when playing a Talons of the Emperor army. The Gryfalcon Jetbike is going to be a major force to be reckoned with, really fast, deadly, and hard to kill.

Legio Custodes Gyrfalcon Patten Jetbike

What are your thoughts? How will you be fielding your Talons of the Emperor army? Let us know in the comments below, we’d like to hear what your thoughts are.


Horus Heresy Inferno


The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno is a supplement for Warhammer 40,000 which depicts the cataclysmic battle of the Burning of Prospero, home planet of the Thousand Sons Legion, the near-destruction of that Legion, the fall of its Primarch, Magnus, and the tangled web of fate and treachery which led up to it.

Within the leather-bound, 312-page book, you’ll find detailed background information on the Fall of Prospero, told across six chapters from The Trial of The Sorcerer to The Seeds of Heresy, exploring the bitter struggle to defend Prospero from the merciless punishment meted out by the Imperium’s forces. Included are full army lists for Space Wolves, Thousand Sons and Talons of the Emperor, allowing you to play the full Prospero campaign – 4 Missions, 3 Conclusion Missions and 3 Legendary Missions are included, alongside a host of special and optional rules.

The Space Wolves and Thousand Sons benefit from Legion-specific Rites of War and specific units and wargear, with full rules for their respective Primarchs included.

Full background for the forces involved is included: on the side of the Imperium you’ll find Space Wolves, Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Servants of the Warmaster and the Ordo Sinister covered in great detail, with the same care and attention placed upon the background of the forces of Prospero: the Thousand Sons, Legio Xestobiax and the Forge World of Zhao Arkhad.

Also included is a Mechanicum appendix – this features rules for the Acastus Knight Porphyrion, Vultarax Stratos-automata and Karacnos Assault Tank, amongst others.

The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno is a complete expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 game – it requires the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List and the Mechanicum Taghmata Army List books to use all of its contents.