Don’t miss the top 40k homebrew army lists that surprised the meta this week. These armies bucked the trends and did well in competitive events.
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Hold on to your hobby wallet as we hit you with our list of the top Chaos units for Warhammer 40k that are both fun to paint, and effective on the table!
Read MoreDon’t miss the top 5 hottest unbeatable Warhammer 40k army lists from the first week of June, as tournaments are just starting to heat up for the summer!
Read MoreForbidden Power just came out and with it, two new armies have entered the battle for the Mortal Realms. Join us as we break down the Legion of Grief.
Read MoreDon’t miss the 5 different ways to summon the Sylvaneth Awakened Wyldwoods, and smother your opponents in tree circles of terrain!
Read MoreHorus Heresy has a ton of different rules that you won’t find in 40k! Check out these top staple units for that you should buy next for your army!
Read MoreChaos is the strongest it’s ever been in Warhammer 40k now. Take a look at the top infantry picks for the new player from the Chaos Space Marine 2.0 codex.
Read MoreHave you been wondering what will be next for some of 40k’s most popular lists? The way players interact with them is certainly going to change.
Read MoreThey are after Ur-Gold! Don’t miss the latest tactics breakdown on playing the Fyreslayers at 2000 points in Age of Sigmar 2.0!
Read MoreWe have focused a lot on the daemons of Khrone in the new battletome, but for this latest army list, I wanted to dive into the mortals for 2000 points.
Read MoreDon’t miss the new top 5 ITC super factions in Warhammer 40k since Las Vegas Open, with some thoughts on the FAQ shakeup that’s coming!
Read MoreAre Bloodcrushers the best unit in the new Age of Sigmar Khorne Battletome? Let’s talk about accelerated play on the tabletop.
Read MoreIf you’ve been missing those Warhammer 40k terrain fortifications on the table top in 8th we have an idea on how to make them great again.
Read MoreThe days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer. You know what they say about Spring, “April crimson rain brings May skulls to claim”.
Read MoreCraftworld and Harlequins are two popular factions we’re seeing on the competitive tables in 8th edition. But are you playing all of their rules correctly?
Read MoreOne, four, or five? How many, and in what combination of the updated Warhammer 40k Assassins should you take for your army?
Read MoreDon’t miss our latest Age of Sigmar tactics post on how to take your Carrion Empire Skaven to 2000 points for those bigger games!
Read MoreIf you picked up the new Carrion Empire box because you love Flesh Eater Courts, Come see how to take them to 2000 points for Age of Sigmar!
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