5 Ways to Kill The New Tau Stormsurge!

By Rob Baer | October 6th, 2015 | Categories: Tactics, Tau

stormsurge walpaper

Come see some ways to deal with big new Tau Stormsurge model, 40k gansta style.

While the new Stormsurge model seems to have been designed to take down Deathstars and scoring units alike, there is still a few classic ways to deal with it just the same.

The key to some of these tricks is figuring out what battle-suit support systems the Tau will be able to equip to their suits, and then working around those advantages!

tau stormsurge

5 Ways to Kill The New Tau Stormsurge

  • Instant Death – ID still causes D3 wounds on the Gargantuan Creatures and takes away their ‘Feel No Pain’ roll as well. Try using the D against them and make it count!
  • Force Weapons – When activated causes ‘Instant Death’. All Psykers come with the ‘Force’ psychic ability to book. At armor 3+ the Stormsurge is easy to sneak by a force attack on, provided you can wound it in the first place.
  • Drive By – Seems like you can literally tank shock a Titan or Gargantuan Creatures off the table. See the ‘Crunch’ special rule on page 92 BRB. (Note the ITC has ruled against this literal RAW interpretation of “Crunch”.)
  • Misfortune Add to your choice of weapon, it’s even effective on Heavy Bolters! Pairs very nicely with ‘Cleansing Flame’ as well.
  • Concussive – Makes Gargantuan Creatures Initiative 1, and buys you time to deal with them in the opening fury of close combat. You can find it on Thunder Hammers, but more importantly on shooting weapons like Stormhammer Missiles, and Grav weapons.

Of course most of the old standby’s work just as good still (like drop pod assaults), but these are some of the more ‘inventive’ ways to pack more value into your armies in 7th Edition.

Dust off those Grey Knights, and Omniscopes – Grav and Force may be making a comeback after this release