Why Not Put A Real Flamethrower on a Drone? – OFFBEAT

By Guest Author | March 28th, 2017 | Categories: Offbeat, Tau, Warhammer 40k News

tau drones attack

Welcome back 40K fans!  It looks like the Tau are invading China with flamethrowers in this crazy news story hot off the presses!

In Xiangyang, China new flamethrower equipped drones are being tested for clearing garbage from power lines.  These new safety minded drones save time for electrical workers who don’t have to go up and cut the debris off themselves.

The humble drone is the greatest symbol of our growing dominion. They follow orders without question, work tirelessly and sacrifice themselves without hesitation when called upon. Truly, much can be learned from such devotion.

Just like the Tau Empire, the manufacturers of these new drones are looking to remove the human element from a dangerous job, potentially saving lives and also speeding up a slow and monotonous task.  Nothing says quick and fun like flying a flamethrower equipped drone!


If this new use for drones takes off it’s one more step towards that automated future we’ve all been dreaming of.  First we got the Amazon delivery drones, then we got the Pizza drones, and now we have the Flaming Drones Doom!  All powerline shoes should tremble before the awesome might of the these hot new civil servants!

Shoes on Powerlines

If you’re interested in reading the whole story, click the link below for the Gizmodo article that clued us into this awesome new technology!

Flamethrower Drones be here!