Cover Your Table With Easy To Build Terrain From One Small Box

Cyber City Terrain featureCover your table with easy-to-build scenery for your next tabletop adventure with Squad Marks Battle Ready Terrain!

This is a cool take on the pop-up terrain idea because everything is done with magnets. All you have to do is push them together, and bam, the magnets take care of the rest! The Kickstarter flew high and helped them make many different-styled sets, so if you missed out, you can still score the terrain now! 

Battle Ready Terrain – Cyber City Set: $124

Don’t forget to use the promo code: SPIKEYBITS to save 10%

Cyber City Terrain featureWith everything in such an easy-to-carry box, you can’t go wrong with this. It’s always nice to have some different terrain when you need to go somewhere or not take up entire cabinets in your house!

Cyber City Terrain 2If you’re playing in the cyber city, you know there will be plenty of buildings. Plus, because they are magnetized, you can keep the floors off—or throw them on.

Battle Ready Terrain is a set of pre-decorated and durable terrain for tabletop wargames such as Warhammer, Infinity, Legion, MCP, and more! This complete box set includes all the terrain pieces you need to start playing and can be easily assembled in seconds!

Each set includes these Cyber City-themed terrain pieces:

  • 2 x 3-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 2 x 2-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 2 x 1-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 4 x Crates
  • 4 x Double Side Area Terrain Mats (Soil & Cratered sides)
  • 8 x Trees
  • 1 x Carry Carton with handle
  • Carry Carton Dimensions: 16 in (406mm) L x 9 in (229mm) W x 6 in (153mm) H

Squad Mark Options

With tons of other terrain styles and some awesome hobby and tabletop gaming accessories, be sure to check out everything else in the Squad Marks catalog!

Click Here to Get Your Battle Ready Terrain!

Don’t forget to use the promo code: SPIKEYBITS to save 10%