New GW Lake-town House Sells Out Immediately

By Zeb Barrett | December 6th, 2016 | Categories: Hobbit, Tabletop Gaming Products, Terrain


The new Lake-town House from Games Workshop sells out almost as soon as it hits the market! Lets take a closer look at why!

Games Workshop puts out some incredible products as we all know and most of the time they are pretty good at determining which products will fly off the shelf. But this time they may have missed it by a mile!


On Monday Games Workshop released a Lake-town House and a Lake-town House Multi pack. It only took a few hours for the entire stock to bought up. After taking a close look at the terrain we can all easily see why.

games workshop lake town terrain house games workshop lake town terrain house

The terrain looks incredible and not a bit of detail was spared! Anyone would be proud to have this as a part of their tabletop. To make it even better, their price points of $40 for the single house and only $115 for a multi-pack set, make this one of the best looking terrain options and deals to ever roll out the Game Workshop doors.

Lake-town House: $40games workshop lake town terrain house

Situated on the shores of the Long Lake, Lake-town is a place of wooden jetties and houses standing upon wooden pillars. It is a place of busy trade, with packed fish markets making up the bulk of its narrow streets. Creaking wooden jetties jab out into the Long Lake itself – these wooden structures were infamously swamped in flame by the great Smaug™ the Terrible, who met his final fate here at the hands of Bard the Bowman.

This detailed scenery piece allows you to build a Lake-town house. The Lake-town House features a great deal of modularity, meaning multiple kits can be easily converted to create your own Lake-town settlement. The house itself features reversible gable ends, and the kit includes a ton of extras:

– 1 rowing boat with separate oars;
– 2 barrels;
– 2 fish baskets;
– 1 glass float;
– 3 lanterns;
– 1 hanging sign board;
– 1 outhouse, including seat and door;
– 1 loading hook;
– 3 long walkways and 1 short walkway.

Lake-town House Multi-pack: $115

games workshop lake town terrain house

Containing three Lake-town Houses, this scenery collection is a great way to turn your gaming board into bustling markets of Lake-town.

Situated on the shores of the Long Lake, Lake-town is a place of wooden jetties and houses standing upon wooden pillars. It is a place of busy trade, with packed fish markets making up the bulk of its narrow streets. Creaking wooden jetties jab out into the Long Lake itself – these wooden structures were infamously swamped in flame by the great Smaug™ the Terrible, who met his final fate here at the hands of Bard the Bowman.

This bundle allows you to build 3 Lake-town Houses. The Lake-town House features a great deal of modularity, meaning multiple kits can be easily converted to create your own Lake-town settlement. The house itself features reversible gable ends, and the kit includes a ton of extras:

–        1 rowing boat with separate oars;
–        2 barrels;
–        2 fish baskets;
–        1 glass float;
–        3 lanterns;
–        1 hanging sign board;
–        1 outhouse, including seat and door;
–        1 loading hook;
–        3 long walkways and 1 short walkway.

If you are planning to get your hands on this incredible looking terrain from Games Workshop in the future then I suggest you keep your eyes on the next wave because at this point we are unsure as to just how many kits will be in circulation this second go around! Head over to Games Workshop to get more information on the Lake-Town Houses!