The Next Big Thing In Terrain? $100,000 Kickstarter

By Zeb Barrett | October 27th, 2016 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products, Terrain

battle systems sci-fi terrain

Some new 28 – 32mm terrain has hit Kickstarter and is soon to hit tabletops around the world! Is this the terrain you’ve been waiting for?

Many of us have been waiting for some terrain just like this to play intense sci-fi battles on.

Source: Battle Systems Ltd Kickstarter

Hello, we are Battle Systems and we make terrain for 28 – 32mm tabletop wargames.

battle systems sci-fi terrain

Over the last three years we have successfully launched and delivered three projects right here on Kickstarter. They were very popular and now it’s time for the next evolution.

battle systems sci-fi terrain

Due to many requests we’ve re-designed a new line of Sci-fi terrain which is easy to assemble with no painting required. This Sci-fi II terrain uses our latest innovations to create truly stunning multi-level environments with full access to all buildings.

battle systems sci-fi terrain

Our terrain is ideal for many game systems including War Path/Deadzone, Star Saga, Infinity, Warhammer 40K, Star Wars Imperial Assault, Mercs, Alien v Predator, Pulp City, amongst many others.

This terrain reminds me of Dead Space and I for one would love to have this great looking terrain! Head over to Battle Systems Ltd Kickstarter and pledge today! You can also get more information about the Battle Systems Sci-fi II Terrain on their blog and Facebook!