Aliens APC Giveaway & Painting: Monday 8pm LIVE

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2018 | Categories: Twitch

aliens apc

Win a 32mm scale Aliens APC tank this Monday night January 8th at 8pm EST, and follow along with out latest hobby tutorial LIVE on Twitch.

The Spikey Bits Hobby Report is back again in 2018, and is still your weekly resource to help keep your hobby muscles strong!

muscles flex

Don’t miss the show every Monday at 8pm and now Tuesdays at 7pm (both Eastern Time) on Twitch that will feature the latest news and rumors from around the web, with a sprinkle of live product unboxings, hobby tutorials, and giveaways to boot!

New 2018 Live Show Schedule

New in 2018, we will also be streaming at 7pm to 9pm Tuesdays as well in between Slowfuse Gaming, and Next Level Painting:

Plus don’t miss the new Friday Convoy lineup featuring Slowfuse, Next Level Painting, and Key Lime Prime. (Note times above are in Pacific)

Long War Stream Team

Starting in the new year we’ll also be giving away a Cat Box containing an awesome miniature gift selected at random to the top TWO donators for that stream!
The first place top donator will get their Cat Box prize ahead of the second place winner, and then Cat Box winners (if any) will be drawn from the active subscribers of that stream.
As always top donators still keep their Catnaps to use for other cool promotions as well (see below for more on Catnaps and show currency).
After that subscriber only Cat Box giveaways will trigger at $300 & every $100 after that on the night, and of course we’ll still be adding awesome new prizes each week from the newest kits in wargaming to even win it before you can buy it promos from Creature Caster and more!

What the heck are Cat Naps, and what can you use them for?

Catnaps are the show currency that you can accumulate 1:1 for each minute of our live stream shows you are actively watching, 100 for following us on Twitch as well as 100 each month as Subscriber.
You also get 100 Catnaps for each $5 that you donate when the show is live.   You can spend them on the show as follows:
  • Redeeming them for gifts on our redemptions page.
  • Entering our BIG end of month giveaway, usually on the last stream of the month.
  • If you win a cat box giveaway, you can spend 500 Catnaps to choose your prize on there, OR 200 Catnaps to re-spin the prize.
  • You can also use them to purchase tickets for random giveaways we do on stream from time to time as well.

Cat Naps will reset monthly, however you can get a huge chuck of Cat Naps  just for watching all of our LIVE streams each month and subscribing to us in-stream as well!

Our newest Cat Box giveaway will be:

M577 Armored Personnel Carrier £59

avp apc 3


Box set conatins:

  • 1x multipart resin APC model
  • 1x Heist gamemode leaflet

The M577 is designed to be a multi-role vehicle. Despite being well-armed and armoured, this lightweight vehicle can be deployed rapidly into any theatre of war. Its hull is comprised of sheets of bonded titanium able to withstand conventional ballistics, as well as laser and plasma fire. Its only real weakness is when confronted by dedicated anti-tank weaponry. It employs a sophisticated sensor array which assists ground troops to be more efficient with their tactics, relaying battlefield info to the ground commanders over their headsets.

Model provided by Prodos for Promotion

Will someone win this prize next stream, or will it make it to our next one? Tune LIVE to find out!

This winter we have a ton of the exclusive Space Marine Heroes straight outta Japan as well other great miniatures for cat box prizes  Tune in each week to see the awesome giveaway lineup!

 Don’t forget you can redeem the points you earn in stream for tons of cool swag including our new selection of painted and pre-assembled miniatures from the Spikey Bits prize vault!

Get painted miniatures & more on our redemption page


Mystery Miniatures Crates contain a random mix of the following types of products and game systems:

Checkout our Stream Changes FAQ here for more information

Shipping is FREE & included with your redemption!

The Hobby Gift Bag:

twitch sticker sheet

Spikey Bits Hobby Gift Bag Contains: Resin bases a 4×6 Sticker Sheet of Emoticons & a Button!

OG Quarter Pounder Bits Bag:

The OG Quarter Pound Bits Bag Contains: FOUR ounces of bits in a plastic bag from a random mix of bits!

One Random Space Marine Character Model (from current GW Line):

Space Marine Character Model Contains: One random multi-part Space Marine Character model from Warhammer 40k

Premium Mystery Miniatures Crate Contains:

$50 MSRP of mostly GW miniatures, but some FFG, Infinity, Age of Sigmar, and other Wargaming hobby supplies as well.

The Truth Mystery Miniatures Crate Contains:

$100 MSRP of mostly GW miniatures, but some FFG, Infinity, Age of Sigmar, and other Wargaming hobby supplies as well.

The Big Baller Mystery Miniatures Crate Contains:

Contains: $150 MSRP of mostly GW miniatures, but some FFG, Infinity, Age of Sigmar, and other Wargaming hobby supplies as well

To be part of all the action all you have to do is follow us on Twitch for free!

It all starts Monday at 8pm EST! Get a give-away raffle ticket just for following us on Twitch right now:

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