Easy Tips For Painting Chaos Banners & Impurity Seals

Easy Tips For Painting Chaos Banners & Impurity Seals

Get ready for some more Nurgle painting tips with Spikey Bits’ own Rob Baer as he goes through how to paint Chaos banners and Impurity seals!

Get those dirty paint brushes ready for some more Nurgly painting action, this time focusing on some scrolls and Impurity seals on a hideously demonic Spoilpox Scrivener.

Painting Chaos Banners

We’ve already covered the lips and guts of this joyous Nurgle follower, so this time around the parchment will be painted with a nice highlight that will make even this dirty scroll bearer seem clean!

Painting Banners & Impurity Seals

The base coat for these scrolls and parchment uses Zandri Dust from Citadel. After the Zandri Dust, a nice wash mix Rob made called Purity Tech is used that consists of a mix using 1 part Dark Tone, 1 part Strong Tone, and 3 parts Soft Tone, all from Army Painter. You can optionally use only Strong Tone for the wash if you are pressed for time, but the definition is clearly better with the Purity Tech mix.

Painting Banners & Impurity Seals

Once we’ve gotten our parchment wash painted on our model, we go for a Menoth White Base from P3 mixed 50/50 with Zandri Dust to get our color right where we want it. If you want your highlight to go even lighter, you can use straight up Zandri Dust, depending on your painting needs. Aim for the raised edges of the parchment to add the highlights, creating a two-tone effect that will make the color pop.

Painting Impurity Seals

Painting Banners & Impurity Seals

Next, to paint the bloody ink that dots the scribblings of the Scrivener on the parchment, we will be painting using some Screamer Pink. Your main focus will be to recreate the writings of the character, so use broad strokes to achieve that effect. Focus on the Nurgle symbols and writing and you’ll go far.

Painting Banners & Impurity Seals

Bloodletter Glaze is the perfect highlight to add to your previous highlights of Screamer Pink.

And there you go, great looking banners and impurity seals are easy!

Tune in for all the greatest and latest hobby tutorials and painting tips on the Spikey Bits Twitch channel.


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