Hobby Report: Twitch Stream & Giveaways MON PREVIEW

By Rob Baer | December 10th, 2016 | Categories: Twitch


Don’t miss our next Twitch stream Monday night at 9pm for insightful news and of course all sorts of give-aways!

The Spikey Bits Hobby Report is here and is your weekly resource to help keep your hobby muscles strong!

muscles flex

Don’t miss the show every Monday at 9 Eastern time on Twitch that will features the latest news and rumors from around the web, with a sprinkle of live product unboxings, hobby tutorials, and giveaways to boot!

Here’s the lineup of the give-aways for our next show, with one BIG surprise as well –  so don’t miss it!


It all starts Monday at 9pm EST, and you can even get a give-away raffle ticket just for following on Twitch right, meow:


Spikey Bits Twitch Channel