Army Showcase- Tyranid Hive Fleet Gorgon

By Rob Baer | September 23rd, 2013 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Tyranids

Welcome to Armies on Parade; Army Showcase where I display (in hopefully good detail) the best of the all great looking armies I’ve featured from major tournaments all across the United States.

If you click on the Army Showcase label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once.
It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort of your home or smart phone!  -Enjoy MBG

Well it took me long enough (sorry Chris) but here is a great looking Tyranid Army by Chris Showers.  I played against this army at Cabin Fever ’10 GT in Harrisburg, PA, and I was floored by the looks it.

What makes this army even better is the fact that those Hive Guards were painted and ready to game in less that a week after they were released!  Good job Chris!