Finecast Vs Resin Alternative Female Commissar Model to GW

Check out this great alternative to Commissar Severina Rhaine. Wargame Exclusive is quickly making itself into one of the best alternatives to GW out there!

Imperial Soldier Female Brave Commissar $17.01

Wargame Exclusive Commisar Unboxing

HQ Resin miniature in 28mm-scale. With 25mm base.
Contains 2 powerfist options and 3 weapon options: twin-linked pistol, bolt pistol and plasma pistol.

Wargames Exclusive has given us a model to review and unbox for you hobby maniac and just in time compared to Severina Raine. Make your choice as to which on is better for your hobby dollar. For an Imperial Guard army, the Brave Female Commissar will fit well in your army. The detail is phenomenal on this model and may have an improved armor design compared to other miniatures. The base even comes with detail and options to fully customize your hobby experience.

Wargame Exclusive Commisar Unboxing

The details on this model are very impressive for such a small miniature. Her power klaw or power fist options are super fun. The cape and belts are extremely well cast as well. The small pieces may be a bit difficult to figure how to put together but this miniature looks great fully assembled.

Wargame Exclusive Commisar Unboxing

The bolt pistol is spot on and everything fits together well super easy. Compared to other models, she may be a bit smaller, but nonetheless ready to lead your Imperial Guard army. Compared to Severina Raine, which one is best?  Click play on the video below for a better look at the two miniatures!


Models provided for promotion & review