Forge World Warlord Titan Weapon Systems – UNBOXING

By Zeb Barrett | November 9th, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Unboxing


Come check out this unboxing on the new weapon system for the Legio Titanicus Mars Warlord Battle Titan from Forge World! 

Today we are going to unbox and take a look at the new weapon systems for the Warlord Battle Titan!


First, we are going to take a look at the Missile Launchers.
warlord titan missile kit

Each missile has it’s own separate bit and the larger parts are just massive chunks of extremely detailed resin.

warlord titan missile kit

warlord titan missile kit

Next up, we will take a look at the Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claw. Fingertips or claws can be attached to the fingers of this massive hand.



The hand is so massive that is it about the size of a Land Speeder and very close to the size of a human hand.


And finally, we look at the Sunfury Plasma Annihilator. Once you get a look at the exploded view you can see how detailed this kit really is.

This weapon can be assembled either left or right but you need to keep track of which side you’re building it for because of the mounting setup.

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Just the joint where the weapon attaches to the titan is the size of a 32mm base, so that shows you just how massive this thing really is.


Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher X 2: £100



The Apocalypse Missile Launcher is a Titan-class support weapon capable of firing volleys of missiles to saturate a wide target area. The superior elevation and mobility of a Battle Titan as a firing platform makes the Apocalypse launcher a surpassingly flexible weapon. When mounted in pairs on the Mars pattern Warlord Titan, the Apocalypse launcher becomes even more deadly.

The rules for using the Mars Warlord Battle Titan, including its carapace-mounted Apocalypse Missile Launchers, can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Mars Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.

This multi-part resin kit includes components to build two Warlord Apocalypse Missile Launchers.

Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claw: £95


Colossal weapons designed to allow the Warlord Titan both to shatter fortifications as well as engage war machines of their own kind in brutal hand-to-hand combat, Titan power claws are immeasurably strong and durable, able to rend metres-thick steel and granite as a predatory beast rends the flesh of its prey. Many carry additional in-built secondary weapons, such as mega-bolter cannon, to deal with lesser threats such as swarming infantry and fast moving attack craft beyond the Titan’s reach.

The Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claw is extensively detailed and has been designed to fit the Mars pattern Warlord Titan Body. It includes the option of claws or flat ended fingers, either of which can be used to build the Power Claw as left or right handed. It also includes an optional Vulcan Mega-bolter that can be attached to the back of the power claw.

The rules for using the Warlord Battle Titan can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and the Horus Heresy: Mechanicum – Taghmata Army List. These rules may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.

This multi-part resin kit includes components to construct one Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claw. It can be constructed as either the Warlord Titan’s left or right arm.

Warlord Titan Sunfury Pattern Plasma Annihilator: £85


A weapon of terrifying and indiscriminate power, the Sunfury Plasma Annihilator is capable of incinerating entire cityscapes and rendering the strongest armour into steaming vapour. Developed from designs intended for the broadside batteries of void warships, plasma annihilators such as the Sunfury are able to be mounted only on the largest of the Imperium’s war machines, such as Battle Titans, as both the reactor-strength required to charge them and the motive power to wield them demand nothing less.

The Warlord Titan Sunfury Plasma Annihilator is extensively detailed and has been designed to fit the Mars pattern Warlord Titan Body. It is a massively destructive weapon, firing multiple barrages of intense, searing energy that will tear through even the toughest armour of your foes.

The rules for using the Warlord Battle Titan can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and the Horus Heresy: Mechanicum – Taghmata Army List. These rules may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.

This multi-part resin kit includes components to construct one Sunfury pattern Plasma Annihilator. It can be mounted as either the Warlord Titan’s left or right arm.

Head over to Forge World and grab all the latest weapon upgrades for the Mars Pattern Warlord Titan today!