$10 Deals – Horus Heresy Black Friday MEGA Sale!

By Rob Baer | November 28th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized

heresy box set

Come see the new LOWER price $10 deals on some of the Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth minis from our Black Friday sale!

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the creation of “Bits off the Sprue” by Battlewagon Bits, we’re dropping a sale on the Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth!

Now is your chance to help support Spikey Bits, and pick up all the new Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth individual sets, cheaper than eBay – just in time for Black Friday!


Currently most of these items are cheaper than the BIN listings on eBay, but don’t wait we only have a limited number of each item available. Shipping is cheap, and multiple orders are automagially combined to save you on additional shipping charges!

Plus all proceeds from the sale of these sprues go to help support THIS site.

Lowered Prices in RED

If you bought either of those items in red already, just email us for a partial refund for your order.

All items are complete on sprue with bases for the model(s)!

s-l1600 (1)

We ship worldwide, and we’ll start getting orders out in the mail after Thanksgiving on Wednesday December 2nd!

Buy Yours NOW!

Happy Holidays, & Thank You For Your Support!