FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits) will be hosting a 40k Rogue Trader Tournament Saturday November 16th at 10 AM.
$100 minimum in store credit for prize support
So regardless of how many people show up, the prize will be at least $100 split among the four prize winners! Of course if more that 10 people show up, then the prize pot goes up as well!
General Information
Entrance Fee: $10
Prize: 100% payout as FTW Games / Spikey Bits
store credit or $100 minimum (in store credit) whichever is greater!
All 40k Approved fortification are allowed. If taking a fortification larger than an aegis line, simply remove one piece of terrain from your table half if your fortification comes within 3″ of it. If more than once piece of terrain conflicts with your fortification, please see a judge for placement.
Due to recent tournament events the following rules are now also in place.
Each game must go at least four rounds, or else each player will receive a 0 for their score that round. Remaining times are called out throughout the round, and players will be encouraged to finish at least four turns. If your game continually going slow, please call over a judge for help.
Army lists must be produced by a validating roster program. (i.e. Army Builder, Battlescribe, etc.) and printed in a readable format for the judges. If you need to use a program to construct you list, please get here early on the day to use our Army Builder program.
Armies are not normally legal for play unless their physical book is in print for a least one month prior to the event.
You must also have a physical copy of the army book(s) or the iBook equivalent (no pirated copies here please) you are fielding with you during the event for reference!
This event is first come, first served. A spot may be reserved by paying the entrance fee at FTW Games in advance, or calling and getting on the list. No refunds. Army Lists may be submitted for review. Although this is encouraged, it is not required.