Holy cow, will the new Tau Codex just be a “reprint”??? Did Games Workshop just pull off the supplement coup that we had all been worried about since last year?
Readers have noted in the upcoming White Dwarf product list there a bunch of new Tau books are coming out.
For a while now, there have been rumors swirling that 40K codices may become less and less important, with alternative routes to getting current rules becoming available. Well take a look at what some folks are saying about next week’s releases:
Then we got the details on the Tau codex via the new White Dwarf:
via Gamerstrust.de 10-20-2015
via Bolter & Chainsword’s Imeran 10-20-2015
I’m so confused right now… there will be four (4) items in print coming up, correct? They are:
– Codex: Tau Empire
– Operation Shadowtalon (Raven Guard)
– Burning Dawn (Tau)
– War Zone Damocles: Kauyon (campaign book)
If you already have a 6th edition Codex: Tau Empire, you just need War Zone Damocles: Kauyon.
If you get War Zone Damocles: Kauyon, you get rules for both Tau (for the new units and Hunter Contingent) and Space Marines (Formations) plus new Fluff.
If you get the new Codex: Tau Empire, you get everything that’s in the old Codex plus all the Tau stuff from War Zone Damocles: Kauyon (including the new Fluff?)
If you get either Operation Shadowtalon or Burning Dawn, you get some scenario-specific fluff and a formation or two, but that has nothing to do with the real new rules/formations.
So under this piece of news, the New Tau codex is identical except for the newly released units, and formations/”decurion” all of which are in the War Zone Damocles: Kauyon campaign book. It’s said to be be not so much a “new codex” as a “reprint” with all the new items collated together.
Well that’s an interesting turn of events. I can see GW doing this to avoid the sticky situation that occurred with the Leviathan campaign last year which resulted in a handful of new Tyranid models that have difficult to access rules (which I’m sure negatively affect sales). I bet we will see this type of thing rolled out with future codices. I’m looking at you Tyranids and Chaos Marines!
~That cover does look mighty familiar….
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