That’s right, the Fat Sack ‘O Bits is here again, but only for a week during the holidays if they even last that long…
These new SUPER FAT SACKS are a personal hand selected mix of bits, drawn from my extensive personal collection to give you the best possible random mix of bits we could ever hope to stuff into one gargantuan mylar bag.
That’s right I am once again raiding my personal collection of bits, which was whittled away in my dark closet of power hidden from the world- less they devour it with their mind numbing awesomeness.
‘The Bin of Bits”
Bits Stacks
Once again some of the best bits quite possibly ever made will now be available to the public anew. Most of these bits were plucked at the peak of bits perfection over many years at Battlewagon Bits and accumulated throughout twenty plus years of modeling projects, these bits are the very extension of my love for the hobby.
These bags are 100% random mix of bits, taken from my personal bits collection.
Checkout out the video unboxing of the last limited run of bits bags.
What’s In The Bag?
In addition to all the mind numbing BITS awesomeness, each new fat sack that will contain the following goodies:
- One Brand new Vallejo Game Color or Air Color Paint a $4.25 value.
- One random Plastic MK IV Space Marine, Cataphractii Terminator or Contemptor Dreadnought from the new Horus Heresy, Betrayal at Calth box set!
- One random Space Marine or Chaos Model From Dark Vengeance Starter Set (yes the HQ’s and Bike models may be in each bag as well).
PLUS one in every ten bags will also receive a brand new sealed Betrayal at Calth box set in addition to a bits bag. So that’s over a $200 value for only $50!
Don’t miss out on this incredible deal, these bags are EXTREMELY limited, as we have made less than fifty new bags for the holidays.
We will be shipping out the new bags after the New Year around Friday January 4th so lock in your bag now!
Buy yours now below, and Happy Holidays!
One Bits Fat Sack Shipped to the USA $50 + $8 Shipping
Two Bits Fat Sacks Shipped to The USA $80 + $10 Shipping (Save 10 Bucks)
One Bits Fat Sack Shipping INTERNATIONALLY $50 + $25 Shipping (Priority Mail)
Two Bits Fat Sacks Shipped INTERNATIONALLY $80 + $30 Shipping (Priority Mail)