Hello everyone, Josh here again with another painting tutorial. This time well be focusing on the Khorgorath from the age of sigmar starter set as many of you now have this model on your shelves.
I once again used citadel paints. The first paints you will need are as follows.
1. Khorne Red
2. Agrax Earthshade
For the first step you will want to drybrush all the areas you want to be red your base color. After you have your basecoat of khorne red layed down you will want to wash the whole model with agrax earthshade. Once the wash is dry add your second drybrushing of khorne red leaving just the edges and the darkest recess’s the washed color.
The next colors you will need are
1. Mephiston Red
2. Evil Sunz Red
3. Wild Rider Red
After your first layers of red are down you want to go ahead and highlight it up to make it pop. To do this start with mephiston red and once again drybrush it onto the model, leaving the last layer of khorne red showing in the edges. Now repeat the process with evil sunz red and then wild rider red once again leaving the last color showing just around the edges.
For your next colors you will need
1. Naggaroth Night
2. Daemonette Hide
This next step is optional and I did it just to help the black areas of the model stand out more. Take the naggaroth night and go around the shoulder bones and the hooves where the black meets the bone. Once you have a base layer of naggaroth down then drybrush some Daemonette Hide over top of it.
The next colors are
1. Brass Scorpion
2. Agrax Earthshade
3. Sycorax Bronze
4. Runefang steel
Now that you are done the skin you will want to start on the armour. Start by painting all the trim of the armour brass scorpion. After your basecoat is down wash it agrax earthshade. Once the wash is dry you will want to drybrush sycorax bronze and then runefang steel on the edges of the trim.
You will need these colors next
1. Zandri Dust
2. Ushabti Bone
3. Reikland Fleshade
4. Screaming Skull
This is the last big piece of the model. First paint all the bone parts a nice basecoat of zandri dust. Then drybrush it with ushabti bone. Now wash all the bone areas with reikland fleshade. Once the wash is dry do another drybrushing of ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.
As for the rest of the model its only details left. I added some Blood for the Blood god to the wound on the chest to make it stand out more. Then did the base with some mechanicus standard grey and celestia grey.
Well thats it for now. Thanks for painting along and as always have fun!!!