BRING HOBBY BACK – Win a Prize Pack!

By Rob Baer | May 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized


Help us bring hobby back and enter to WIN a FREE Long War Prize Pack!

Enter To Win One of Ten Long War Prize Packs!

Each Exciting Prize Pack Contains The Following;

  • One Resin Vehicle Upgrade or LED Kit From Blood & Skulls Industries.
  • Long War High Quality Sticker Set of Featuring Each of the Long War Founders and The LW Logo.
  • One Recent Back Issue of White Dwarf Weekly.
  • A custom Spikey Bits Relic Marker From Greenman Desgins!

Head on over to The Long War and take your hobby to the next level. Enjoy exclusive content, and early access to all the mind blowing hobby features on the Long War!

free long war

Sign up now for a free 7 days of Initiate Status to tour our video battle reports, tutorials, and army lists in the Hall of Veterans!

After that become a FULL VETERAN for $5.99 a month and enjoy the mind-blowing hobby features below, and of course full access to the Hall of Veterans, videos weeks early in an ad-free experience!



Enter to Win one of 10 FREE Long War Prize Packs during our Launch Extravaganza!


The Long War Launch Extravaganza

free long war

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Faster Access to the Hobby

As a Veteran of the Long War you’ll get video tutorials and battle reports WEEKS early. Get a leg up on the competition, while working out those hobby muscles! Veteran status will grant you exclusive content from the Long War, and an early video tutorial each week from the pros at Next Level Painting and Spikey Bits.

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Model Like a Pro

Learn to assemble and convert some of the most popular kits out there with MBG. Save more time for painting from tips on better ways to assemble, and convert your models. Plus learn about the newest tools and techniques to add to your every growing hobby arsenal.

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Up Your Paint Game

Learn to master the airbrush! Paint aliens and Space Marines alike with Kenny’s awesome how-to painting tutorials.

From weathering, to detailing and even painting those tough colors like red and yellow, we got you covered dawg.

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Play Better On The table

Learn from some of the best with our weekly battle reports and tactics videos. Collectively Rob, Kenny, and Juice have won hundreds of tournament awards and taken down some of the major events out there.  

Get what you need to play better by becoming a veteran.

support tlw

Support the Long War

What we do isn’t about money, BUT it takes money to do the things we do. Every subscription helps to Bring Hobby Back to everyone out there, and helps pay the bills to do it.

accessAccess to the Hall of Veterans

The Hall of Veterans is your hobby secret weapon. It’s the repository for all the content we produce here, from army lists to our future painting DVDs, you will have access to it all for being a Veteran of the Long War!


Whether it’s building, converting, or painting models, the Long War has you covered.

Impress your friends with your new painting and modeling prowess, and table top tactics – just by watching a few of our videos.

free long war

Sign up now for a free 7 days of Initiate Status to tour our video battle reports, tutorials, and army lists in the Hall of Veterans!

After that become a FULL VETERAN for $5.99 a month and enjoy the mind-blowing hobby features below, and of course full access to the Hall of Veterans, videos weeks early in an ad-free experience!



About the Author: Rob Baer

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Rob Baer

Job Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.

Rob also co-founded and currently hosts the Long War Podcast, which has over 350 episodes and focuses on tabletop miniatures gaming, specializing in Warhammer 40k. and spent six years writing for Bell of Lost Souls. 

Every year, along with his co-hosts, he helps host the Long War 40k Doubles Tournament at Adepticon and the Long War 40k Doubles at Las Vegas Open, which attracts over 350 players from around the world.

Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including multiple first-place finishes in Warhammer 40k Grand Tournaments over the years and even winning 1st place at the Adepticon 40k Team Tournament.

With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. As a member of GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association), he advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1980s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.