Cyber Monday Sale Starts Tonight @ 12:01 AM

By Rob Baer | December 1st, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

The Kraken of savings is about to go back into hibernation, but not before CYBER MONDAY!

Starting at 12:01 AM Tonight, everything will be back on sale storewide, but only for ONE MORE DAY!

Did you miss out on the Black Friday Sale over the weekend? Well don’t miss out on this one last day of savings!

Read on true believers this sale will be EPIC!

Tonight, over at the Spikey Bits Online store, is the last day of our holiday sale, CYBER MONDAY, and I can guarantee that you will NOT want to miss it.

People will be talking about this one for awhile, so be there when it happens!

But it’s all over Tuesday Dec 2nd so don’t delay!

All bets are off, as it will be first come first serve on these amazing deals!  So what special deals do we have left?

You can save UP TO 50% OFF on everything in the store for one last day only on Cyber Monday! 

(yes this includes Games Workshop products, no they will not be 50% OFF)

BUT at the very least every item will be at least an additional FIVE PERCENT OFF it’s normal LOW price! That’s like saving an extra five bucks per item on some things!!

Tabletop Games: Percent off Retail Price

Games Workshop 25% OFF
Dust 30% OFF

Infinity 30% OFF

Spartan Games (Dystopian Wars, Legion and Firestorm Armada) 30% OFF            
Malifaux 30% OFF

Warmachine and Hordes 30% OFF
Dropzone Commander 20% OFF
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures 20% OFF
DreamForge-Games 30% OFF
Raging Heroes 50% OFF
Gaming Supplies: 

Percent off Retail Price
Paints 10% OFF (50% OFF Minitaire Airbrush Paint)

Army Painter 20% OFF (Please note Primers can only ship to lower 48 US states)

Secret Weapon Minis 20% OFF
Resin Models and Bases 10% OFF

Gaming and Modeling Supplies 10% OFF
Grex Airbrushes 20% OFF
MBG Wreck Markers 50% OFF

Second off we’ll have a special sale page that will contain ONE AMAZING item  

The first, Spikey Bits MYSTERY BOX! is one of our favorite limited edition products to offer from time to time, and Black Friday is no different. Well except it will be on sale of course! Don’t worry it’s okay to indulge and buy a little extra while they are back in stock!

This awesome product comes to you disguised as a large shipping container, but packed inside is a random assortment of brand new in box gaming delight!

For a meager purchase price you will receive an amazing random assortment of sweet gaming swag from such companies as Forge World, Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Wizards of the Coast, Spartan Games, Gale Force Nine, and Mantic Miniatures just to name a few!

Why buy something so random? Well, besides the fact it will be like opening up a present to yourself,  each box’s retail value will far surpass it’s purchase price! Some packages will even be “Hot Boxes” that retail for DOUBLE the price paid for them!

Who doesn’t want to double their money, right? Besides making a little extra on your purchase, you can always “re-gift” some of the items if you know one of your friends will appreciate it more!  IT’S WIN WIN!

Stay tuned for more details on this as we are getting them together this weekend, and will have tons of picture and our very own un-boxing video to entice you to get your very own MYSTERY BOX!

Plus if that wasn’t enough, get a FREE UPGRADE TO PRIORITY SHIPPING in the USA on all orders as well.

The sale lasts until Tuesady December 2nd, but don’t wait- we’re bound to run out of something before then!

Best part is, there is no code to remember for the shopping cart! A super computer has done all the work for you, all you have to do to get your discount is checkout!

What a deal!!! So kick off the holiday season with great deals on games an hobbies from who else?