Dark Angels Bits Re-Stocked Selling Fast

By Rob Baer | January 22nd, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

Rejoice followers of the Lion, for the new Dark Angels Bits are all in-stock and ready to ship!

We’ve also started shipping out all our Dark Angels Advanced Orders as well, so now its time to get the bits on!

Checkout our Dark Angels Bits Page for all the great new items we’ve come up with.

Salvation is at hand, as the hunt for new conversions is on!

Please Read a quick note about the NEW Dark Angels Bits.

Because of the volatile market on the bits’ prices for this release, we are keeping VERY limited quantities of the NEW bits available for sale this first week, BUT we will be monitoring sales daily to stay on the cutting edge of this release.

If you require a large quantity of a particular NEW bit please email us so that we can serve you better. -MBG