Dark Vengeance Figures & Rulebook Advance Order

By Rob Baer | August 25th, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

Now’s the time to lock in your Dark Vengeance Minis, and Small 6th Rulebook order!

We just posted advanced orders for the new Dark Vengeance Starter Box Set as well as the individual squads and more!

Best part is, everything is 20% OFF!!! How do we do it…?

So get your miniatures locked in NOW before we blow though our target numbers on the Limited Items, as well as some of the squads.

This is shaping up to be a MONSTER release, as everyone will want both the minis, and the small portable rulebook.

Shop from someone you know, don’t buy from an anonymous user name!  Spikey Bits’ Dark Vengeance Advanced Orders Start shipping in just a few short weeks!

Here’s What’s Available from us.