Did YOU win? FREE Wraithknight Winner!

By Rob Baer | July 27th, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

Well all good things must come to an end, and the same can be said for this contest as well.

First off let me thank everyone for their hobby entries, as we had over 150 different entries for this contest!

So if you have a hot minute be sure to checkout the Free Wraithknight Album over on Facebook, for a great look at some amazing minis!

Also thank you for your patience as we had a huge response to this contest, and we were absolutely swamped with all the entries.

We’ve chosen our winners from all of the photos over on the contest album on Facebook, and from our pool of “likes” on there as well.  If you didn’t enter shame on you! It was as easy as clicking a button (Checkout all the details here on our contest rules page)!

Here is the winner of the Wraithknight Hobby Contest and Giveaway!

This awesome X-Wing Fighter wins the free Wraithknight!

Below are the runners-up to the X-Wing above. There is no prize for being a runner-up, but we hope being recognized for your awesome work is prize enough! Kudos!

So for the winner, Whomever did the X-wing conversion above send me an email from the address you submitted it with, and for all you runners up, congrats on almost making it!

Overall Winner: when you contact us- please first make sure you are registered on the Spikey Bits Web Store, and then message me with your full name and mailing address (that you registered on the Spikey Bits Store), so we can put together an order for your FREE Wraithknight

Thanks to Everyone Who Entered! 

Want your chance to win?

We pull winners from our social sites!  Here’s all the links to keep up with us on the web (and maybe win something shiny too)!

Want the inside scoop on freebies? We always announce our new contests via our Newsletter, so make sure you get on the list for that when it goes out so you can get a head start on our next contest!

Don’t forget we have the all new Eldar and Apocalypse models for sale as well.