New GW Rumor Engine Spotted: 40k Wyches?

gw rumor engineIt’s time for this week’s new rumor engine! They have blessed us with a knife to oggle over. If we had to put money on it we would say it belongs to a raiding party of Drukhari Wyches.

This weekly dose of the rumor engine has us only guessing a little bit. We may be overconfident this week, but you can’t prove us wrong for months. We’re leaning towards a Drukhari Wych weapon but we can’t rule out the possibility of AOS… it is a knife after all.

Here’s a deeper look into what Warhammer Community has given to us for the week.

New Rumor Engine: Drukhari Wyches?

Here it is in all its knifey glory.  This blade looks almost identical to some of the current Wyche knives, so that’s where our minds went immediately.  The shape of the blade, gloved hand and tassel scream Drukhari. Let’s take a closer look and compare it to what the Wyches’ blades look like now.

rumor engine drukhari2

The new blade looks like a refined version of the old Wych blade. The curvature, point of the blade, style, and gloved hand all just match up too perfectly here. Also, if you look at the hilt you can see it extends far beyond the bottom of the hand in both pictures.  The tassel is a nice touch that many Wyches don’t currently have. Let’s see another angle of the Wych weapon to see what else we find.

dark-eldar-wyches-4Again, the curvature of the blade and style just seems to fit too perfectly here. The hilt also has a near-identical shape with how it bends past the hand. If they are going for a ploy to throw people off they may have gotten us with it…

dark-eldar-wyches-3The resemblance is uncanny! That’s it for this week, and we’re putting our eggs in the Drukhari basket.

What do you think this rumor engine could be a part of? Are we right with our guess of Wyches? Or have we totally missed the mark on this one?

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