Feast of Blades 40k Practice Tournament Aug 23

By Tyler Stackhouse | August 12th, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

Are you going to Feast of Blades? This is a prefect time to get more practice in! Not going to FoB? That’s ok! We still have tons of prize support and games to be had.

FTW Games will be hosting a 1500 Point Tournament Saturday August 23rd at 10am.

Will be giving away $100 minimum in store credit for prize support.

So regardless of how many people show up, the prize will be at least $100 split amongst the prize winners (First, Second, and Third)! Of course if more that 10 people show up, then the prize pot goes up as well!

Best part is there are no sports, comp or painting score! All you have to do to take home overall is WIN WIN WIN! So bring down your painted or unpainted, and get stuck in!

General Information

Entrance Fee: $10

1,500 points

Prize: $100 minimum (in store credit)

Army Restrictions

Please construct you army using the new Warhammer 7th Edition 40k “Battle Forged” rules.

As added practice for Feast of Blades, we will be running their FoB Qualifier Missions, which can be found here

We will also be using the Feast of Blades Qualifier rules below for this event, as well as the qualifier packet here  please note there will be no paint score for this event so no worries there.

Battleforged Rules:

  • One “Combined arms detachment,” and
  • Up to one of the Following: a) Another combined arms detachment b) An allied detachment c) A single formation
  • Stronghold assault not allowed
  • The following list of Fortifications are allowed: Aegis line, Bastion, Skyshield, Fortress of Redemption. 
  • Forgeworld is not allowed.
  • Lords of War are not allowed.

Due to recent tournament events the following rules are now also in place.

  • Each game must go at least four rounds, or else each player will receive a 0 for their score that round. Remaining times are called out throughout the round, and players will be encouraged to finish at least four turns.  If your game continually going slow, please call over a judge for help.
  • Any army that uses a summon mechanic to bring in more models must use the exact authentic Games Workshop miniatures that they represent. (i.e. skeletons can not be used to represent Nurgle Plaguebearers)
  • Army lists must be produced by a validating roster program. (i.e. Army Builder, Battlescribe, etc.) and printed in a readable format for the judges.  If you need to use a program to construct you list, please get here early on the day to use our Army Builder program.
  • Armies are not normally legal for play unless their physical book is in print for a least one month prior to the event. The lastest Codex that is legal for this event is Orks from June 2014
  • You must also have a physical copy of the army book(s) or the eBook equivalent for the army you are fielding with you during the event for reference.

This event is first come, first served. A spot may be reserved by paying the entrance fee at FTW Games in advance, or calling and getting on the list.

No refunds. Army Lists may be submitted for review. Although this is encouraged, it is not required.

If you need to use the computer to print your army list please be here at 10am sharp!