First Look White Dwarf #29 & Grey Knights

By Rob Baer | August 18th, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized


Well if the cover is any indication, the Knights of Titan are on the march.

In what appeared to some rumormongers as a surprise move, the Grey Knights will get a reboot next weekend with a new rulebook and a few re-boxings of existing product.

From the looks of the battle report contained in this issue, the new Grey Knights codex will only feature the Grey Knights themselves, with no Inquisitional support elements.


Which I guess is understandable seeing as how they have their own supplement already, and two sets of seemingly parallel rules maybe tough to keep up with from both a player and developer standpoint.

The battle report itself was kinda neat as it pitted 1,666 points of Grey Knights, versus the same amount of Daemons. The White Dwarf team pointed out some cool tips and tricks for using both armies, but at the end of the day, there really wasnt much new information to be gleaned from that feature.


As far as the rest of the magazine goes though, it was pretty lackluster.  We got no new hobby articles, no snappy developer columns, just a lot of what appeared to be mid/end of month filler.

They did however showcase the new Space Wolves kits; Long Fangs and Skyclaws which look pretty up to date and current as far as styling goes.

So unfortunately this one may just be worth skipping, unless you’re just die hard for some Grey Knights. But if their popularity in 5th edition is any indication who isn’t?

Check out the rest of the magazine in my video feature below, and get ready for the rise of the Grey Knights! -MBG