FREE Space Marine Primarch Give Away

By Rob Baer | January 16th, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

What better way to celebrate the New Year than by doing yet another  giveaway?

This time we’re giving away a set of sweet Japanese styled? Space Marine Primarch Art, that are pretty hard to find actually.

I mean its always better to give than receive right?

Want your chance to win? Checkout the details below!

Okay here’s how it works. all you have to do for a chance to win this set of art is to subscribe to our YouTube channel, (or already be subscribed) and we’ll pick one lucky subscriber from all of our subs to win this amazing set of art around the 25th of January.

But wait there’s more!  If you share this post of Facebook, and someone wins because they saw your share and subscribed, we’ll give THEM a copy of the new Stronghold Assault supplement for Warhammer 40k too!

That’s right you AND a friend could both win something cool!

Click here to subscribe on our YouTube Page, and HERE to share this on Facebook with your friends!