FREE Warhammer 40k Bits & TITAN Give Away

By Rob Baer | March 16th, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

There is only about TWO weeks left in our FREE giveaway, and we just need about 2000 MORE subscribers to make it happen!

For this one, we’re going to literally make it rain BITS!

We only need 2000 more subscribers on YouTube to kick off the HUGE Bits giveaway, so make sure your subscribed over there, and share this with your friends!

UPDATE:  IF we hit 45000 likes on Facebook in two weeks (at the same time we hope to hit 10,000 YouTube Subscribers), we’ll not only give away a Dreamforge Games Leviathan Crusader, BUT we’ll also give away a new Imperial Knight Titan as well!

See original give-away below for all the details!

Recently we hit 40,000 likes on Facebook, and being a blog that covers the hobby of 40k, among other things, that’s just neat.

So to thank everyone for all the support you’ve shown throughout the years, we’re getting crazy and giving away over sixty pounds of excess bits.

That’s right, we have over SIXTY pounds of bits to give-away, and we’d love to give some away to YOU!

If it’s Warhammer 40k, and it was a plastic kit, there is probably a copy of it in this HUGE collection of bits.

Want your chance to win? Checkout the details below!

Okay here’s how it works. 

When we hit 10,000 Subscribers on YouTube, and / or 45,000 likes on Facebook, we’ll give away one sack of bits at a time from the kits left over from when we stopped selling bits to a random subscriber.


All you have to do for a chance to win is subscribe to our YouTube channel, (or already be subscribed) and we’ll pick one lucky subscriber per bag of bits from all of our subs to win that particular sack of bits.

There will be A LOT of Winners!

But wait there’s more! If we hit 10,000 subscribers AND 45,000 likes on Facebook in the next month (March 17th) we’ll give away one of DreamForge-Games’ Titans as well!

So be sure to share this with your friends, gaming buddies, etc. 

Help us give this stuff away!

That’s right we’re going to be giving away over SIXTY POUNDS of bits!

Click the link to subscribe to our YouTube Page, and HERE to like us and share this on Facebook!