Games Workshop’s New Releases – REVEALED

By James Rodriguez | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Games Workshop, Uncategorized

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This week’s new releases is full of the brand new Khardron Overlords minis! Come take a look at what is coming up for pre-order!

Note: Most Kharadron Overlords are sold out already in the states.

Kharadron Overlords New Releases $205

Kharadron Overlords Collection


Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. In secrecy they have grown strong, developing new technology and weapons of war. Guided by their Code, the Kharadron Overlords have sent forth their sky-fleets, commanding to return with riches, or not at all…

Get your hands on a collection of Kharadron Overlords miniatures and rules with this bundle! You’ll receive everything released so far:

– an Arkanaut Admiral, leader of the airfleet;
– an Arkanaut Frigate, medium-sized, versatile skycraft;
– a 10-man Arkanaut Company, the main fighting force of the Kharadron Overlords;
– and a copy of Battletome: Kharadron Overlords, featuring all the rules and story you need to get up to speed with this new army for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Arkanaut Frigate $80

Arkanaut Frigate


The Arkanaut Frigate represents centuries of refinement by the shipwrights of the Endrineers Guild. In its design, a balance was struck between speed, transport capacity and firepower to create a versatile craft that could serve as the mainstay for the airfleets. With its sleek hull and powerful buoyancy endrin, the Arkanaut Frigate is fast and powerful enough to escape the gravitational drag of a density hole, while retaining enough firepower to level a city should the need arise.

Arkanaut Frigate

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Arkanaut Frigate. Smaller than an Ironclad, larger than a Gunhauler, it dominates the skies by means of its dirigible and is covered in weaponry – a heavy skycannon or skyhook as a front-facing main weapon, with aethershot carbines, grudgesettler bombs, skymines and detonation drills attached to the hull, with belaying valves for ramming-speed assaults.

Arkanaut Frigate

A huge ancestor figurehead glares balefully from the prow, and the duardin crew is appropriately detailed – a captain stands before the instruments and wheel, a navigator perches in the crow’s nest, sextant aloft and an endrinrigger wields an oil can and hammer, fervently replacing rivets and lubricating components to keep the Frigate skyward. Most of these details can be modelled on the frigate in different ways; there’s plenty of space on the side of the hull to name the ship. Paint it on in duardin runes for authenticity!

This kit comes as 88 components and includes a Citadel 120mm Oval base, with  a 50mm ball and socket flying stem.

Arkanaut Company $45

Arkanaut Company


When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s grav-ladders or suspension ropes, an Arkanaut Company can deploy rapidly into the fray.

Arkanaut Company

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a 10-model Arkanaut Company. They have a variety of weapons available: each wields a privateer pistol and Arkanaut cutters, and up to 3 models can optionally take one each of a skypike, multi-barrelled aethermatic volley gun or light skyhook. Their Captain can take either a volley pistol or aetherflare pistol, and has the option to brandish an anchor!

Arkanaut Company

The Company themselves are the main fighting troops of a Kharadron Overlords army, and thus haven’t yet accrued enough aether-gold to make their armour as ornate as that of their superiors. Still, they sport magnificent metal beards, and their sealed suits are replete with the valves and fittings needed to keep them alive.

This kit comprises 83 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases.

Battletome: Kharadron Overlords $40

Kharadron Overlords Battletome


Get a free deck of 18 cards featuring the rules for the Stick To The Code Allegiance Ability from Battletome: Kharadron Overlords – 3 sets of 6 – with your purchase of this product, while stocks last!

Prosper, or die.

Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. In secrecy they have grown strong, developing new technology and weapons of war. Guided by their Code, the Kharadron Overlords have sent forth their sky-fleets, commanding to return with riches, or not at all…

Battletome: Kharadron Overlords introduces a new duardin army into the worlds of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. A militaristic, mercantile society detached completely from the other branches of duardin that populate the Mortal Realms, they treat war and trade as much the same thing – a means to amass wealth; and they excel at both. More than anything, they seek aether-gold – this lighter-than-air element is their society’s lifeblood, holding their cities aloft, fueling their ships and powering their elaborate armour. Great sky-fleets of warships descend from dozens of sky-ports when a rich seam is discovered; the Kharadron Overlords will fight bitterly to accrue this vital substance, and the status it brings.

In the 144-page hardback Battletome: Kharadron Overlords, you’ll find:

Kharadron Overlords Battletome


– A detailed explanation of the Kharadron Overlords – how their floating cities, the sky-ports, are powered and populated, their motivations for acquiring aether-gold and their use of the Kharadron Code;
– Information on 6 of the most powerful and important sky-ports amongst the dozens – Barak-Mhornar, Barak-Zilfin, Barak-Thryng, Barak-Zon, Barak-Nar and Barak-Urbaz – explaining the differences in their attitudes toward life and the Code, with a map of locations;
– A timeline of Kharadron history – the exodus that formed them, the establishment of the unifying Kharadron Code and the discovery of aether-gold;
– Their economic system (complete with financial figures for the major sky-ports!), and the Guilds that keep this massive, vital chain of commerce moving;
– The core structure of a Kharadron sky-fleet: while each sky-port has its own quirks, each draws upon the same hierarchy when building a fleet;
– Uniform guides, heraldries and colour schemes for each of the 6 sky-ports detailed in the Battletome, with descriptions of the units and skyvessels each skyport fields.


– The Sky-Ports: each of the 6 named sky-ports in the Battletome have their own unique interpretation of the Kharadron Code, meaning their armies vary wildly in terms of play style – this includes unique Abilities and Artefacts of Power, and unique amendments to the included Warscroll Battalions:
– Barak-Nar armies are masters of science, and are adept at unbinding the spells of their enemies using aethermatics;
– Barak-Zilfin armies are the finest aeronautical sailors, whose units can move and dodge with unprecedented speed;
– Barak-Zon armies seek glory in valour, and rarely shy away from a fight, charging in and attacking with gusto;
– Barak-Urbaz armies are alchemical geniuses, with a higher capacity for artefacts of power;
– Barak-Mhornar armies are indefatigable opportunists, striking suddenly from unexpected quarters;
– Barak-Thryng armies hold unbreakable grudges, and will fight to the death until scores are settled;
– Allegiance Abilities, Command Traits and Battle Traits for armies who belong to sky-ports other than the 6 named in the book – combine Artycles, Amendments and Footnotes to assemble your own interpretation of the Kharadron Code;
– Artefacts of Power: Great Endrinworks to be assigned to any Kharadron Skyvessel with Aethermatic Weapons and Treasures of the Sky-Ports for Kharadron heroes;
– 5 Battleplans: fight battles that epitomise the Kharadron Overlords’ way of war, with unique rules for each;
– 5 Warscroll Battalions, providing extra rules and special tactics for collections of miniatures;
– 12 Warscrolls, containing the rules for your Kharadron Overlord miniatures;
– Pitched Battle profiles with points values for every miniature and Warscroll Battalion;
–        A guide to a Path to Glory campaign – create a warband to fight alongside a Hero, and gain favour throughout a series of battles, gaining followers, swelling the ranks and earning rewards, eventually cementing the warband’s place in history;
– Tips on building and deploying your force, with example armies featuring hints on deployment direct from the designers.

Kharadron Overlords Battletome

Painting & Modelling

– A guide to Citadel paints for the beginner, detailing how each paint type is applied and in what context;
– Detailed, stage-by-stage guides presenting the colours and techniques used to paint the armies of the 6 named sky-ports;
– Kharadron Features: this goes into that little bit more detail on certain aspects of Kharadron miniatures – the portholes, dome and optics, along with verdigris, a basic guide to markings, weathering and constructing scenic bases;
– Tips and tricks for streamlining and improving your hobby: sub-assemblies, kitbashing and painting artefacts.

Arkanaut Admiral $25

Arkanaut Admiral


An Arkanaut Admiral is the leader of an airfleet. An Admiral does not have a ship of his own, as each ship has a Captain at the wheel, but will nominate one craft as his flagship. It takes success and tremendous profit for a duardin to catapult themselves into the upper echelons of the airfleets, and individuals that have done so are battle-scarred veterans that have seen countless wars, boarding actions and aerial bombardments.

Arkanaut Admiral

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Arkanaut Admiral. He leads Kharadron Overlords armies into battle by example, charging into the fray wielding a huge skalfhammer and volley pistol. His knowledge of the Kharadron Code is second to none, which proves a great advantage in a fight. His ornate armour is covered in pipes, valves and gadgets – years of service have meant many augmentations to make combat and leadership easier.

Arkanaut Admiral

The miniature stands atop a molten heap of industrial waste, adding detail to his base.

This model comes as 12 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Warscroll Cards: Kharadron Overlords $15

Overlord Warscroll Cards


Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. In secrecy they have grown strong, developing new technology and weapons of war. Guided by their Code, the Kharadron Overlords have sent forth their sky-fleets, commanding to return with riches, or not at all…

Overlord Warscroll Cards

This pack of 12 large-format cards contains the each of the unit Warscrolls from Battletome: Kharadron Overlords, printed on individual cards for handy reference in your battles, along with a selection of gaming tokens – use these to indicate the Allegiance Abilities, skills and statuses used by your models in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Overlord Warscroll Cards

Please note, you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Kharadron Overlords to use the contents of this set.

FREE: ‘Stick To The Code’ Cards (Sold Out)

Stick to the Cards



This product is only available in English.

Stick to the Cards

Get a free deck of 18 cards featuring the rules for the Stick To The Code Allegiance Ability from Battletome: Kharadron Overlords – 3 sets of 6 – with qualifying purchases.

Stick to the Cards

These cards are available while stocks last – we’ll add them to your basket automatically, as long as we have them!

There is a lot of new Kharadron Overlords minis coming out this week, with even more to come next week. Be sure to head over to Games Workshop and pick up these new releases.